How to Block Specific Web Pages

How to Block Specific Web Pages

Blocking specific Web pages can be useful when trying to keep children away from certain sites. Additionally, it can prevent you from accidentally going to a site you don't want stored on your computer, or it can even be used to play a trick on someone else. Some Internet browsers do not inherently come with the option to block specific websites, and you may need additional software or add-ons to set up a website block.


Block Sites


    Internet Explorer does come with a website blocking option. Open Internet Explorer. Click on "Tools" located in the upper right-hand corner. This will open a drop-down menu.


    Select "Internet Options" from the drop-down menu. This will open a new window with tabs at the top. Select the "Content" tab.


    The "Content" tab is broken down into subsections. Select "Enable" located under the "Content Advisor" section. This will open another new window with tabs across the top. Select the "Approved Sites" tab.


    Type the website you wish to block in the white box below "Allow this website." Click on the "Never" button located on the right-hand side. This will move the website you typed to the larger white box located at the bottom under "List of approved and disapproved websites." The website should now have a red and white "Do Not Enter" symbol to the left of it. Continue to add websites in this manner until the list of websites you want to block is in the larger white box.


    Click "Apply" located in the bottom right-hand corner. A new window will open, requiring to create a password. This password will allow you to come back and make changes to your list. Create a password and type it in where it is requested. Retype the password in the "Confirm Password" box. Type a password reminder in the "Hint" box, if you desire. Anything you type here will be presented to you if you forget your password, so do not type your actual password here. Click "OK" in the lower left-hand corner.

Disable Rating System


    Enabling the Content Advisor will block websites according to a rating system in addition to the sites you have specifically listed to be blocked. If you wish to block only the sites in your list, you must change the rating system settings. To do this, open Internet Explorer and click on "Tools" located in the upper right-hand corner.


    Select "Internet Options" from the drop-down menu. Select the "Content" tab. Click on the "Settings" button located in the "Content Advisor" section.


    Enter the password you created and press "OK" on the right-hand side. In this new window, there is a white box with a list of items beginning with "ICRA3." Each item beneath "ICRA3" has a key icon to the left of it. Click on the first item under "ICRA3." It is usually "Content that creates fear, intimidation, etc."


    Underneath the white box, there is a slider bar. Click on the button and slide it all the way to the right. It will now read "Unrestricted" beneath it. In order to be able to visit all other websites besides the ones in your blocked website list, you will need to select each item and adjust the slider bar to "Unrestricted" for each one. Click on "Apply" when this is completed.


    Close all windows, including Internet Explorer. Attempt to navigate to a website you have added to your block list. You will now receive a message requesting the password in order to view the site.

How to File a Complaint Against an Employer

How to File a Complaint Against an Employer

Workplace complaints are heard as often as office gossip. However, when you feel your rights as an employee have been violated because someone does not like you, this is considered discrimination and must be addressed. While your company's human resources department may be able to assist you, there are times when you need help from an outside agency.



    Discuss the matter with co-workers you trust. If you determine that employees of a different race, religion, sex, disability or age were treated differently in similar situations, you may be a victim of discrimination.


    Discuss the matter with your supervisor, or notify your human resources department directly.


    Compose a chronology of events and compile the corresponding supporting documents. The more dated documents and eyewitness accounts you have to confirm what happened, the better.


    Draft a summary of your complaint, including a brief description of the incident and the actions you have taken to resolve the matter.


    File a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency that enforces discrimination laws, by completing an intake questionnaire in-person, through the mail or online, within 180 days of the incident.


    Contact a lawyer after the EEOC advises you of the status of your complaint, usually within 10 days of the filing date. If the EEOC determines that your employer is in violation of a discrimination law and your employer refuses attempts to mediate, the agency will provide you with a right-to-sue letter.

How to Code an If Else Statement in VB6

How to Code an If Else Statement in VB6

Visual Basic 6 (VB6) is an event-driven programming language. In response to an event such as a button click, VB6 normally runs a series of commands, one after another. However, you may want the computer to run different sets of commands depending on whether a condition is true or not. To do this, it is best to use an "If...Else" statement.



    Type "If [condition] Then" where "[condition]" is the condition you want to test. For example, this code would test whether some text entered by the user is less than three characters long:

    If Len(txtUsername.Text) < 3 Then


    Enter the commands you want run if the condition is true. You can enter a single command or several, each on its own line. These commands are sometimes referred to as a "block." For example, this command is used to inform the user that the text he entered is too short:

    MsgBox "Usernames must be at least three characters long."


    Enter the keyword "Else" on its own line. This marks the end of the block of commands to be run if the condition is true, and the beginning of the block of commands to be run if the condition is not true. For example:



    Enter the commands you want run if the condition is not true. As with the previous block, you can enter one or many commands. This example saves the text the user entered and tells him that it was saved:

    Username = txtUsername.Text

    MsgBox "Your new username is " & Username & "."


    Type "End If" on its own line to mark the end of the "If...Else" statement. For reference, here is the code for the entire example:

    If Len(txtUsername.Text) < 3 Then

    MsgBox "Usernames must be at least three characters long."


    Username = txtUsername.Text

    MsgBox "Your new username is " & Username & "."

    End If

How to make money with Google Ad Sense

How to make money with Google Ad Sense

This is a simple guide to show you how to make money with Google Ad Sense. If you already have a webpage or blog
and aren't using Google Ad Sense, you could be missing out on some automatic earnings everyday. Google AdSense basically puts ads on your website that are related to your website content. You get paid when someone clicks an ad.



    For example: I have a website that I sell dog t-
    shirts from:
    If I want to make extra income from ads on my web-
    site, I sign up for Google AdSense. Google Adsense
    then gives me an HTML code that I enter on my
    dog t-shirt website. Now, ads begin to appear on my
    website that are related to my site's content.
    The example below shows some Google AdSense
    ads on my dog t-shirt website:


    Ads Relate to Content.
    As you can see, all of the ads are
    related to dogs, and may be help-
    ful and interesting to people who
    are visiting a dog t-shirt website. If
    someone is interested in dog jew-
    elry, they might click the ad that
    says "Dog Gifts & Collectibles."
    When they click that ad, I will earn
    a profit. I earn a profit every time
    an ad is clicked.


    When They Click,
    You Earn.
    It's that easy to earn money with
    Google AdSense, and you don't
    have to worry about selling a
    product or inventory, etc. Once
    you set up your Ad Sense account,
    Google takes care of the rest. It's
    basically a "hands off" money-making system. It is
    a great way to earn extra passive income on your
    website or blog.


    How Much Profit Can I Make?
    Let's say I earn an average of $.12 per click from my
    ads on my dog t-shirt website. If 1,000 people visit
    my website a day, and out of those 1,000 people,
    10 click on a Google Ad sense ad, then I will make
    $1.20 a day. So it is basically a numbers game. The
    more traffic you have, the more earnings you can


    How do I sign up for Google AdSense?
    Go to: Google Adsense
    (You will need a blog or some other type of web-
    site to sign up for Google AdSense.) If you don't
    have a website or blog, there are many free blog
    sites available. I personally use There
    are also services where you can make free websites
    such as:


    Create your Ads
    After signing up on Google AdSense, log into your
    account at:


    Click "AdSense Setup" on the toolbar.
    To place ads on your blog or content website,
    click "AdSense for Content"
    Click "Ad unit" (the default) for now, and click
    Choose the size of ads you would like displayed
    on your page and the colors.
    Check out this video for great tips on choosing
    ad sizes, colors, and ways to optimize your Google
    AdSense ads:


    Adjust your Ads
    Next, you can add a channel if you like to help you
    group certain adds together and help track them
    Name your ad with a title that is easy to recognize
    and includes the name of your website, size of the
    ad, location of where you will put the ad on your
    webpage (ex: DogHomepage 728x90 top center).
    Click "Submit and Get Code."


    Add the Code to Your Website or Blog
    Go to your website and enter the area where you
    can edit the HTML on your website.
    Paste your Google AdSense code into the html at
    your desired location on the website layout.
    After adding the new HTML code, your Google Ad-
    Sense ads should begin appearing on your website.
    The ads should be related to the content of your
    website. If they are not related to your content,
    you may need to edit your website's content to
    add more keywords that highlight the main topic of
    your website.


    Sit back and Start Earning
    When someone visits your website and clicks
    on one of your Google AdSense ads, you will earn
    money in your Google Adsense account.
    Warning: DO NOT click on your own Adsense
    ads or put content on your website that says things
    like "Click my Adsense ads." If you do so, Google
    Adsense will suspend or cancel your account.
    You can check your Google Adsense account
    whenever you like to see how much money you are
    earning and to find out which ads are working best
    for you. You can then adjust your ads accordingly for
    the best results.

How to Obtain a No Exam Life Insurance Policy

A no exam life insurance policy allows you to get coverage without a complete medical checkup or getting a medical examination. It provides benefits similar to a standard life insurance policy. Many people are reluctant to take medical exams as they don't wish to reveal personal information. Here are some guidelines for obtaining a no exam life insurance.



    Browse the web using a search engine such as Yahoo or Google. Enter a keyword search for "No exam life insurance." Click on the links to visit Web sites. You can get valuable information about no exam life insurance from these Web pages.


    Read carefully about the company policy and disclaimers. Every company has different clauses on no exam life insurance. Check for the stipulations for each company.


    Search websites that review or rate such policies. You should get the rating and feedback for a company and a separate review of each policy type in order to get the best coverage possible.


    Fill in the questionnaire form on the company website. The questions include common habits such as whether you smoke or consume alcohol. Bear in mind that you will have to provide at least some basic personal information. These questions help the company decide on the right policy for you. Once the form is submitted, you should receive a quote.


    Proceed to fill out an official application. On receiving your application, the company will review and make a decision on extending a policy to you. You will receive a detailed quote with a variety of clauses and coverage details.


    Call a local agent if you are unable to get a policy online or are hesitant about the online procedure.


    Understand all the clauses properly through your agent. Then, await the bill for your first premium.

How do I Use Electronic Sources to Find Information?

How do I Use Electronic Sources to Find Information?

The continuous growth of the Internet has it made it incredibly easy to find information online. There are a multitude of electronic resources available to help you find what you are looking for from the comfort of your home.

Search Engines

    Search engines are one of the most efficient electronic resources for finding information because they catalog pages on the Web according to keywords included in the content. When you enter the words you are looking for into a search engine, it pulls up pages that match your query.

Site Suffixes

    It is important to pay attention to site suffixes to validate reliability of information you find using electronic resources. Websites with suffixes such as .edu, .org and .gov, are generally considered reliable sources.

Popular News Sites

    Popular newspapers, news programs and magazines have websites where you can find reliable information. These sites also will frequently provide links to more reliable sources online.

How to Create a Table in Microsoft Word to HTML

A table on a website is useful for more than displaying an organized set of data; you can also use a table to arrange the entire layout of your site, using one column for a sidebar menu or the first row as the Web page header. If you aren't familiar enough with HTML to create a table on your own, you can make a table in Microsoft Word and save your document as a Web page file. From there, you can copy the table code and paste it into your own website.



    Open a new document in Microsoft Word.


    Click the "Insert" tab.


    Click the "Table" button. Drag your mouse to select the number of rows and columns you want in your table. Click on the bottom-right square of your table to insert it into your document.


    Enter your data into the table. Type in keywords, such as "header goes here," to make it easy to tell the difference between cells if you want to wait and insert your content once the table is in HTML.


    Click "File" and choose "Save As."


    Enter "table" in the "File Name" box.


    Change "Save as Type" to "Web Page."


    Change the save location to your computer's desktop or another easy-to-find location.


    Click "Save."


    Close Microsoft Word.


    Right-click the icon for the file you just saved, called "table.htm." Choose "Open With" and then "Notepad." The HTML code for the page opens in Notepad.


    Press "Ctrl" and "F" to open the search box.


    Type " 14

    Highlight all of the table code, starting with "."


    Press "Ctrl" and "C" to copy this HTML code.


    Open the HTML for the Web page where you want to insert a table.


    Press "Ctrl" and "V" to paste the table HTML code.

How to Use Google AdWords for SEO Research

How to Use Google AdWords for SEO Research

Nothing is more important to search engine optimization (SEO) efforts than choosing the right keywords and keyword phrases. One of the best resources for keyword research is the Google AdWords tool. Google AdWords does more than show you search volume, though. Knowing how to use it can do wonders for your SEO campaigns. Here's a guide to the basics of using the service to your advantage. Google AdWords is free to use, and requires no registration, downloads or special programs.



    Enter a keyword or keyword phrase you intend to use in the box provided and fill in the word verification code. Begin with the most obvious keyword choice, as it is an appropriate jumping-off point for finding other ideas.


    Click "Get keyword ideas."


    Scroll down and you'll see the search volume report for the word or phrase you entered. One column displays the previous month's approximate search volume, while another shows the average monthly search volume.


    Scroll down further to see other keyword phrases using one or more of the terms you entered. This will give you ideas for secondary keywording efforts, and may even show you better primary keywords and keyworded phrases that hadn't occurred to you.


    Consider more than just search volume when deciding on which keywords and keyword phrases to use. Do a Google search on ones you're considering to see how much competition already exists for the terms. If the search is showing hundreds of thousands of results or more, you'll do better to pick keywords and keyword phrases with less search volume but also less competition.


    Pay attention to the section lower down on the list called "Additional keywords to consider." Use as many of the relevant words and phrases listed there as possible in your content. This will be highly beneficial to SEO efforts. This satisfies the search engine indexing consideration known as latent semantic indexing (LSI).

How to Find Government Job Sites

Finding government jobsites is considered an easy task. All you need to do is use appropriate keywords in the search engines. All sites of government departments and agencies are suffixed with .gov. Here's how to find government job sites.



    Use search engines like Google and Yahoo and enter keywords "government job sites". The results will show pages of various government job sites.


    Search on U.S. Government-specific search engines such as FirstGov, Google U.S. Government Search and SearchGov (see Web addresses, below). These can be used to find various government job sites.


    Browse through (see below). Managed by the U.S. Department of Commerce, this site provides a list of government job sites.


    Click on the Web site (see below). Here you will get a list of government jobs based on your interest and expertise. For example you can select regional government, municipal, federal, provincial, legal and others.


    Browse through other official sites that come up in your search results. There are sites of various departments and agencies.

How to Become a T- Mobile Wireless Agent or Dealer

T-Mobile offers many job opportunities from retail and marketing to being a T-Mobile agent who works closely with customers to give them phone deals that work with their lives and families. T-Mobile offers competitive pay and other perks like benefits for health and family. Working with T-Mobile as a wireless agent or dealer can be a rewarding experience for those who enjoy sales, retail and marketing.



    Gain experience as a salesperson or mobile phone agent. Gain experience in sales by working in retail or marketing or ask about internships with T-Mobile. If you wish to be an agent, learn how to persuade customers that your product is one of the best. Work for other phone companies or get an education that is relevant to the dealer or wireless agent positions. Although experience is not required, it is encouraged.


    Navigate to the official T-Mobile website. Near the bottom of the page, locate "Jobs" and click it. On the top menu, select "Working Here" and then choose "Search Jobs." Under "Potential Employees" select "Search Now." Enter keywords (dealer or agent) to find a dealer or wireless agent position. Enter your postal code and other information (schedule, posting date of the job and job type - full time, part time, etc.). After finding a job, click "Apply" to apply online. If no jobs are found, move on to step three.


    Visit the "Events" section of the T-Mobile website in order to grab a list of T-Mobile events. At these events, potential employees can meet with recruiters in order to determine what dealer and wireless agent jobs are available to them. Any questions you have will be answered at one of these events. Recruiters can help to inform you on the many career opportunities with T-Mobile.


    Drive to your local T-Mobile store (the main store or corporate stores are best choices) in order to speak to a manager about becoming a dealer or wireless agent. Ask for an application and discuss the requirements for the position in which you are applying. Ask which stores in your area are hiring and ask the manager to give you the numbers and addresses of those stores so that you may contact them. Submit your cover letter, resume and application to those stores. Highlight all of your relevant education and experience in your resume.


    Keep up with your applications by calling and speaking to a manager to check on the position you have applied for.

How to Find a Person Living in Germany

Need to contact someone in Germany but don't know how to locate her? There are plenty of online resources you can turn to to find friends, family or business contacts that you've lost touch with. One of the most thorough resources on the web is Telephonbuch 11880. Follow the steps below on how to conduct your search at this site.



    Try the High Speed Search first. Under "Whom/Which do you search," enter a name, company or telephone number. You can also enter keywords or industry. Under "Where do you search," you can enter a postal code or place. The more info you can provide, the better your search results will be.

    Click Search. This will open a new page with your results. Results should include name, address and phone number, though this data is limited to public information.


    Try a Detailed Search if the High Speed search didn't return the results you were looking for. Enter as much information you can into the detailed search page. The info itself is much like the info on the High Speed Search, but searches each piece of data separately. This includes First Name, Surname, Company Name, Keyword and Industry, and Address, Postal Code and Region.

    Click search. This will again open a new page with your results including name address and phone number.


    Try the Branch Search if you still haven't found the info on your party. The Branch search is more like a Yellow pages. It offers search fields for name, company and location. Enter this info and click search for a new set of results.

    This section also a directory of companies organized by industry. You can browse the company directories for more information.


    Use the Periphery Search if you still need more information connected to a particular business. This allows you to enter a keyword or industry and location info, and also to set a search within a periphery of 5-50 kilometers of the location you enter. Click search for another set of results with name, address and phone number.


    You can use the Rckwrtssuche Search if you have a phone number. This is a reverse phone number lookup. Provide the phone number, and the results page will give you a list of names and locations.

How to Change Redirect in Mozilla

How to Change Redirect in Mozilla

A variety of things can cause your Firefox browser to redirect. When you enter two or more words into the address bar, it will perform a Google search by default. A malware or virus infection may cause this action to redirect to a malicious search site of its choosing. However, even if your computer is not infected, your browser could still be redirecting to a search engine owned by your Internet Service Provider. Whether you choose to use their engine or not, sometimes your ISPs decide for you and this can be a great inconvenience. Fortunately, you can resolve the issue.



    Double-click the Firefox icon on desktop. Wait for the browser to open.


    Double-click the text to highlight it in the address bar. Press the "Backspace" key. Type "about:config" without the quotes. Press "Enter."


    Confirm the "This might void your warranty!" message by clicking "I'll be careful, I promise!" button. Note that this comment is just to caution you not to delete or alter anything you are not sure of.


    Type "keyword.URL" into the "Filter:" box listed below the address bar, then press "Enter."


    Right-click on the "Keyword.URL" result that appears below and select "Modify." Type "" into the pop-up box and press "Enter" to reset the redirect to default.


    Close the Firefox browser and click the red "X" icon in the top right to finalize your changes.

How to Clear Text From a Search Field on an HTML Page on Click

How to Clear Text From a Search Field on an HTML Page on Click

A common way of labeling input fields on an HTML page is to put the description inside the field where the user will type the information. For example, you might put the words "Enter Search Text" inside the field where a user can type text to search the Web page. However, when the user clicks inside the field, you don't want him to have to backspace over the label. The ideal functionality is for the text to be automatically erased when the user clicks inside the field. To do this, you can use the "onFocus" attribute of the HTML "input" tag.



    Create the Web page. Add an HTML form for the search input box. For example, type:


    Add the "onFocus" attribute to the "input" tag. Use "this" to indicate the current field and set the field equal to blank. For example, type:


    Navigate to the Web page in a browser and click on the search field to test it. Watch the text disappear when you click in the field.

How to Create Exception Classes in Java

The Java programming language takes an exceptions-based approach to handling error detection and handling in code. Rather than create a complex system of nested if-else statements to try to catch every possible error, all error catching can be organized into a series of "try-catch" statements at the end of a function. This allows error control to get out of the way of the program's actual flow and leads to more readable, easier-to-maintain code.



    Choose a parent class. Any subclass of java.lang.Exception can be used as the parent for a new exception class. However, for this example, you'll use the basic Exception class as a parent. Exception gives us all the basic necessities of an exception: it is throwable, it can print a stack trace, and allows a message to be retrieved about the nature of the exception.


    Create a subclass that extends that parent class. This is the same as creating any other subclass in Java. For good code readability, it is standard to always end the class name with the word "Exception". For this example, you'll build an exception for handling bad user input, called, simply enough, BadUserInputException.

    public class BadUserInputException extends Exception

    This code alone actually gives you all you need to immediately starting throwing and catching this exception, and in many instances, this will be all you need.


    Add any unique features for your exception. You may want your exception class to have some unique features above and beyond the ability to be thrown and caught with a stack trace print out. So, you will add some new information to your exception class.

    public class BadUserInputException extends Exception
    private String inputString;

    public getInputString() return (inputString);

    public BadUserInputException(String input)
    inputString = input;

    Now, your exception will have an extra function, getInputString(), which can be called anytime your exception is thrown to get a copy of the bad user input in question to be printed to an error log or examined by the program to determine what to do next.


    Add a throw statement to functions that may cause the exception to occur. An exception is worthless unless it is thrown by some function. A throw statement essentially passes an error up the stack to allow a higher level part of the program to determine what should be done with it. This BadUserException will be thrown by a getUserInput() function, appropriately enough:

    * Javadoc for getUserInput. You want to mention here
    * that this function throws a BadUserInputException
    * so you know to catch it later.
    * @throws BadUserInputException If bad input occurs.
    * @return the user's input if no exception is thrown.
    public String getUserInput() throws BadUserInputException
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    String input = in.readLine();
    if (!validInput(input) throw BadUserInputException(input);
    else return input;


    Add code to catch the exception when functions using it are used. This will allow your program to react to errors in a cleanly controlled manner. The code to do so will look like this simple example:

    public void gameLoop()
    String choice = getUserInput();
    if (choice.equals("Q")) quit();
    else continue();
    catch (BadUserIputException e)
    System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getInputString() + " : is not valid input.);

Strategies for Improving Working Memory

Strategies for Improving Working Memory

Memory permits you to store and recall information and images that have been previously experienced in life. Working memory helps to store events that occur and transmit them to the short-term memory area of the brain or long-term area. Strategies such as visualization and notetaking can be used to improve working memory and help retain information longer.

Mental Visualization Strategies

    Mental visualization strategies help you connect a new word you are learning with a mental image. Substitute words that sound similar to the current word you are trying to memorize and envision the meaning or act of the substituted word to make a connection. For example, the word "lucrative" means "profitable." You may envision yourself doing something "creative," which sounds like the word "lucrative," and "profiting" from it, helping you to remember that the definition is "profitable."

Mnemonic Strategies

    Mnemonics use the first initial letters in a series of words to create a phrase or acronym. Acronyms serve to represent a name, title or order in any given subject, helping you recall what that order or name may be by memorizing the those first letters. Acronyms, also known as "initialisms," can help you use your working memory to recall the steps to solve a mathematical problem or geographical locations of the world, such as lakes or oceans. Businesses and organizations often use acronyms to help people in the community remember services or programs that are offered by their establishment.

Note-Taking Strategies

    Note-taking involves three types of strategies to help a person who is learning improve his or her working memory. During the note-taking process, you hear a word or information, write it on a sheet of paper, and say the word mentally while writing it. You can memorize the information that is being learned by writing down the keywords in the information, saying it aloud, and using it in a sentence or action, then viewing the information again afterward to reinforce it.

How to Use HTML in eBay Listings

Adding HTML code to your eBay listing can take your auction from dull to exciting and from a few small bids to a fierce bidding war. It's worth the extra time and effort to add HTML to your listing. Plus, once you've done it the first time, you can use the initial listing as a template for adding HTML to future auctions.Here's how to use HTML in eBay listings.


Use HTML in eBay Listings


    Open the custom selling form in eBay.After logging in to eBay, click on the "Sell" button on the navigation menu. You will be offered the choice between a "simple" listing format and a "custom" selling format. Choose the "custom" format.


    Open the HTML editor in eBay.After choosing the "custom" selling format, follow the onscreen instructions for choosing a category, title and picture for your auction. Then, in the auction description box, find the tab that says "HTML" and click on it. The HTML editor will open.


    Insert your HTML code into the description box.You can either type the code directly or copy and paste it into the description box. Use Control+V on your keyboard to paste copied HTML text directly into the box. If you need help with your HTML code, eBay offers two great resources -- a short HTML primer and a forum on HTML. Check the Additional Resources section to find links to help with HTML on eBay.


    Preview your listing.Under the description box, look for a link that says "Preview." Click on the link and review your listing to make sure all of your HTML code is showing up correctly. If it is, finish filling out the rest of the selling form and list your auction. If it is not, return to the form and make any necessary changes.

How to Sell on Shopzilla

How to Sell on Shopzilla

Shopzilla is a network of online shopping search engines owned by Scripps Networks Interactive. Shopzilla connects online shoppers with more than 100 million products from tens of thousands of retail merchants around the world. The Shopzilla network includes the Shopzilla, Bizrate, Beso, PrixMoinsCher and SparDeinGeld brands. More than 40 million customers visit the Shopzilla websites every month. Anybody with a website that sells products can list products on the Shopzilla network of websites. It is free to set up a Shopzilla Merchant Account, and merchants pay Shopzilla on a pay-per-click basis, meaning they only pay when a customer clicks on a Shopzilla listing from the merchant.



    Open your web browser and go to the Shopzilla Merchant Registration. You can access a link to this website in the Resources section of this article.


    Select a Shopzilla website you would like to list your product(s) on. Click "Next." Enter the full URL of your website and click "Next." Enter the requested information including your name, address, phone number, email address and desired username and password to create an account. Click "Next." Verify your information and click "Submit."


    Check your email and open the activation email from Shopzilla. Click on the link inside the email to activate your account.


    Open your web browser and go to the Shopzilla Business Services page. You can find a link to this site in the Resources section of this article. Enter your username and password and click "Login."


    Enter your credit card information. The first time you log on to your Shopzilla account, the website will ask you for your credit card information. You can choose how much you would like to deposit into your account. The minimum deposit is $50.


    Enter the product information for the product(s) you want to sell by clicking "New Product." Enter the name for your product, a description of the product, the price of the product and a direct URL link to the product on your website. You can also upload a picture image of the product. After entering the product information, enter the amount of money you want to pay per click. The money is automatically deducted from your account when a customer clicks on your product.

Research Paper: How to Boolean Search the Internet Effectively

Research Paper: How to Boolean Search the Internet Effectively

Virtually all online search engines search the Internet using what is called Boolean logic, named for mathematician George Boole. It uses phrases that explain the logical relationships between two or more terms with "operators," such as "AND," "OR" or "NOT." These phrases can either be constructed by the user (called Full Boolean Logic) or by the search engine itself.


Full Boolean Logic for Older Databases and Search Engines


    Some search engines and electronic databases, especially those created prior to the year 1998 (such as HotBot, Lycos, AltaVista, and others) still use full booelan logic. To return results containing one of two or more terms in this system, type the word "OR" in capital letters before each term. For example, to search for results that contain at least one of the words "summer," "beach" or "surf", type into the search field "summer OR beach OR surf."


    To search for entries that contain more than one search term, type "AND" in capital letters between each one. To search for results that contain all three terms "summer", "beach", and "surf" at once, enter "summer AND beach AND surf" into text field.


    To exclude results containing a certain term, append the term to the end with a "NOT" operator. For example, to search for entries about beaches while filtering out results about Miami, enter "beaches NOT Miami" into the text field.

Implied Boolean Logic


    To search within more modern engines for entries containing all of two or more entries (an "AND" search), simply enter all the terms into the text field, separated by spaces. In this method, the example search from previously would be entered as "summer beach surf."


    To filter out certain results (a "NOT" search), place a minus sign before each term to be excluded. Searching for "beaches" but not "Miami" would be entered as "beaches -Miami."


    To conduct an "OR" search, which is not available on engines that use Implied Boolean, either check your search engine's options and settings to see if it can be switched to Full Boolean, enter your search in a Full Boolean engine, or click the "Advanced Search."

Boolean Searching Using Search-Form Terminology


    If your chosen search engine is more recent and features an "Advanced Search" link, click on it.


    In the form that appears, carry out a search that contains at least one of a series of terms (an "OR" search), find a text field with a label that says "Any of the words," "At least one of the words" or "Should contain the words." Enter each of the terms here, separated by spaces.


    Search for results that contain all of a series of keywords by entering them into a field marked "All of these words" or "Must contain the words."


    Exclude search results by typing words to be filtered out into a space labeled "Must not contain the words" or "Should not contain the words."

How to Block Spam on Juno Email

If you're a Juno user and you feel that over half of what you're receiving is spam, you can do something about it. Although Juno has an automatic filter setting available for your email account, those sneaky spammers sometimes still get through. Here are a few steps to help keep your Juno inbox a little tidier.



    Sign onto your Juno account. If you are accessing Juno Email on the Web, sign into your account and click on the "Email on the Web" tab. From here, click the "Email Features" link. You will then be taken to the Email Features page.


    Tighten your Junk Mail settings. Under the Filtering section of the Email Features page, click "Junk Mail Settings." Under "Select Your Junk Mail Setting Level," you will notice that your account is probably already set for Standard. If you only wish to receive email from those in your address book, click on "Exclusive"; if your account is set for "Off," then choosing "Standard" will filter anything that Juno suspects is spam. Under "Junk Mail Folder Auto-Delete Setting" you can choose the number of days you wish to save mail in your Junk folder before it is automatically deleted. Don't forget to click "Save" before leaving this page.


    Add addresses to your Block List. If you have specific addresses that you are constantly receiving spam from, you can put them on your Block List. Go to "Email Features" and under the Filtering section click on "Block List." You will be taken to another page where you can enter in the addresses you wish to block. Add one address at a time and click "Add" after each one. When you're finished, click "Save." (Note that you cannot block messages from Juno Online Services.)

How to Put Your Band Music on Facebook

How to Put Your Band Music on Facebook

A music page on Facebook is an important tool for creating and reaching out to a fan base. While there are several ways to make a page stand out, nothing is more important than having actual music uploaded for visitors to hear. In any case, a third-party application will be needed to achieve this goal. Most basic setups from these developers are free and include options for customizing the page. Startup bands and full-time managers alike are then able to upload original music onto Facebook.


Create and Establish a Page For Your Band


    Log in to your Facebook account. Type "Pages" into the search bar and select "Enter." Click the "Create Pages" tab near the top-right corner.


    Fill out any information about your artist as you see fit. The editing page should either load automatically or it can be found by selecting "Edit Info" near the top of the profile page. Click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page when you are finished. The information you choose to make public can be revised at any time.


    Upload a profile picture by selecting the "Profile Picture" tab on the left side toolbar. Select "Choose File" and find the picture on your hard drive that you wish to use as your main image for the page. Like most features, this too can later be revised.

Upload Music


    Research which third-party application fits best for your page. Type the name of the app into the search bar and select "Enter." When the page loads, select "Go To App." This action will most likely open a new window to the third-party site. Some names that have had widespread use include iLike, My Band and BandPage.


    Follow the steps the application takes you through. You may be asked to fill out more basic information, upload another photo and confirm an email address. Each application will have a slightly different setup process.


    Locate the music or content upload section. When prompted, select the file from your computer you wish to make available and follow the commands to complete the upload. Wait for the file to finish processing. If you have an account on other music-playing sites, such as SoundCloud or ReverbNation, you may be given the option to simply synch what you already have uploaded in those places.


    Return to your Facebook page. Verify that the changes made on the third-party site have been linked to your account.

How to Search Twitter Bios

How to Search Twitter Bios

Twitter Search lets you search status updates for relevant content, but it does not make it easy to search Twitter bios. Third-party websites, however, come in handy for just that. Many exist for the purpose, including three reliable methods, each with its own way of searching and displaying Twitter bios: the Twitter directory Twellow, the Twitter search and analysis website Follower Wonk, and Google. The lattermost is a lesser-known method.




    Go to the Twellow website.


    Type a keyword in the "Search" field and press "Enter."


    Read the results displayed. They are organized in descending order of popularity on Twitter.


    Click a category name at right to further narrow the results.


    Click an italicized username to view that profile on Twitter.

Follower Wonk


    Go to the Follower Wonk website.


    Type a keyword in the "Search Twitter Bios" field and press "Enter."


    Read the results displayed. They are organized in descending order of popularity on Twitter.


    Click "Relevance" or "Friend Count" to view the results in descending order of relevance or friend count, respectively.


    Click a username at left to view that profile on Twitter.



    Go to the Google website.


    Type or copy and paste the following into the Google search box, exactly as it appears here: intitle:"keyword* on twitter" OR intext:"bio * keyword"


    Delete the word "keyword" and type an actual keyword you would like to search for, such as cars, "sous chef" or "Justin Bieber must be stopped". Enclose the keyword in quotes only if the keyword contains more than one term.


    Hit "Enter." The results are displayed in order of relevance.


    Click a search result to view that Twitter profile.

How to Be a Sponsored Link in Google Maps

How to Be a Sponsored Link in Google Maps

As a local merchant, you can use Google Maps to advertise your business online. Google Maps users who search for a local map will see sponsored links and local contact information of advertisers who are in the Google ad system. However, Google typically sells website ads without local contact information in its ad system, so you will need to follow certain steps to include this local information as a sponsored link in Google Maps.



    Register your business with the Google Local Business Center. Enter all local addresses, office hours and phone numbers when you register. Include a photo or even videos for branding purposes. You can also upload a coupon to attract local bargain hunters.


    Register for Google advertising with a Google AdWords account. The Google AdWords system displays search ads in Google results and ads on other websites like Google Maps. Make sure you validate the account by clicking on the validation email that Google will send to the registered email address.


    Set up an AdWords advertising campaign. The standard AdWords ad includes brief ad text and a website link. Enter a website and ad text to create a sponsored link. Google charges you by visitor click, so enter a daily budget and maximum cost per click. The ad will not display without keywords, so enter keywords that a person would use to find your product or service. The AdWords setup process will take you through this procedure step by step.


    Enter a billing method to activate your ad campaigns. Google will activate the ads when it has verified the credit card or other billing details.


    Click on the ad campaign you set up from within your account. Select "Audience" and "Location" under "Settings" to include local contact information. Link the listing you set up in the Google Local Business Center to the ad. You can also manually enter local addresses here. Click the "Save Settings" button. Adding the addresses qualifies the ad as a sponsored link on Google Maps.

How to Place an Ad on Google

Google AdWords is the world's leading internet advertising service and is responsible for the "Ads by Google" that appear on virtually every for-profit Web site. AdWords is used by people who want to pay money to place ads on Web sites and works in conjunction with Google AdSense, a service for site owners who want to make money by displaying those ads. AdWords searches the content of a subscribed AdSense site and then displays the most appropriate ads based on a set of advertiser-selected keywords. The cost of placing ads is determined by per-click "bids" on each keyword for each ad.



    Click on the "Sign Up For Google AdWords" link in the Resources section of this article.


    Click on the "Create a New Account" button.


    Enter your account details, including a valid email address. Choose a password and click "Create Account."


    Select your country of residence, time zone and preferred payment currency from the appropriate drop down menus. Click "Continue."


    Wait for AdWords to send an email message to the address you provided during registration. When this email arrives, verify the address by clicking on the link within the message.


    A new Web page or browser tab will open, telling you that your email address has been confirmed. Click the link the says "Click here to continue."


    Click "Create your first campaign."


    Enter the details for your campaign (the campaign is the ad or ads you wish to place). Choose a name for the campaign and tell AdWords which countries and regions in which you would like your ad to appear.


    Confirm that "All available sites and devices" is selected under the "Networks, devices and extensions" option. This setting is the default setting and should be changed only by advanced users.


    Set a daily budget by entering a whole dollar amount in the appropriate text box. Select whether you'd like to pay a set price (bid) when someone clicks on your ad, or whether you'd like AdWords to try to automatically determine the best price (bid) for your ad.


    Create an ad. Google AdWords ads are made up of: A headline, two lines of text, a display URL (short version) and an actual URL (full version).


    Select 10-20 keywords that are specifically related to your ad.


    Click "Save and Continue to Billing."


    Select the country where your billing address is located from the drop down menu and click "Continue."


    Choose your billing method. "Postpay billing" charges your credit card or bank account once ads are run and clicked on, while "Prepay billing" charges your credit card and creates an AdWords balance to be used to pay for your ads. There is no particular advantage to either method, so choose the one works best for you and click "Continue."


    Read the Google AdWords Terms and Conditions. If you understand and agree to them, click "yes, I agree," and then "Continue."


    Enter your credit card or bank account information, then click "Save and Activate." Your AdWords account is now active, and the ad you created will begin running on the network as soon as it is approved.

How to Find Out Who Tagged You on MySpace

When you upload pictures to MySpace, you have the option to tag friends who are in the photo. After you tag a friend, the picture will show up on their account if they approve the tag. If you want to find out who tagged a photo of you on MySpace, there are two ways to do so. You can check your email to find the message from MySpace about the photo tag, or you can view the notification area in your MySpace account.


Find a Tag by Email


    Sign in to the email account associated with your MySpace account.


    Search through your email messages and find a photo tag message from MySpace. If you don't want to search through all of your emails to find one from MySpace, you can use the search form to view messages by keyword. Enter "MySpace" in the search form and press Enter to view your messages from MySpace.


    Open the message from MySpace that reads "(Friend's name) tagged you in a photo." The friend's name is who tagged you, and to see which photo you were tagged in, click "View photo." You will be directed to your MySpace account, where you may be prompted to enter your password, and you will be shown the photo you were tagged in.

Find a Tag in the Notification Area


    Sign in to MySpace using your email address and password.


    Look to the notification area at the top of the MySpace window. You can view alerts for friend requests, new messages and photo tags here.


    Click the friend icon in the notification area to view all requests from your friends. If any friends have tagged a photo of you, you will see a notification here that reads "You were tagged in a photo by (Friend's name)." Now that you know who tagged a photo of you, you can see what the photo is by clicking the "photo" link.

How to Customize a Blu Domain Header

It is important to optimize your Blu Domain Website for search engines. By doing so, you increase your chances of driving more visitors to your site. One of the first places that a search engine robot crawls when indexing search engine results is the Web page header. This header is also referred to as the page title. The title appears at the top of an Internet user's browser window. When adding a header to your Web pages, be sure to incorporate keywords. By doing so you have a better chance of getting a higher search engine ranking.



    Log into your Blu Domain Web hosting Control Panel.


    Open the HTML Editor for the page you want to add a header. To do this, select the page inside the file directory and click Edit.


    Locate the and tags inside the HTML editor box.


    Paste the following HTML code anywhere between the two head tags. Replace the generic title with the words you want to appear on your page header like so:

    Enter the wording for your page header here


    Click Save to save the changes to your page.


    Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each page you want to add a header to.

How to Beat Internet Filters

How to Beat Internet Filters

Malicious websites and inappropriate content are a problem on the Internet. To protect people, many organizations install web content filters designed to catch illicit websites and prevent users from viewing them. These filters work by looking for specific keywords in the content or address of the website. Or, specific websites can be entered into their blacklist (a list of sites the administrator has blocked).

But you may need to get around the filter to access a website with legitimate value.



    Use HTTPS instead of HTTP at the start of your address. This employs a Secured Socket Layer (SSL) to make the transfer of data secure. Using an SSL will encrypt the sent data, and because some filters may have trouble distinguishing illicit from legitimate traffic, you can bypass the filter. Another reason this works is that when blacklisting a site, many administrators simply forget to blacklist both HTTP and HTTPS.


    Use a proxy. A proxy server may not be blocked by the content filter. When you visit the proxy, it asks which site you want to visit and then fetches it for you. You never actually visit the blocked site, the proxy does. You simply view the content from the blocked site as it is displayed on the proxy.


    Check the Google cache. Many times when you find that a site is blocked, you can do a Google search for it. Instead of clicking on the link that takes you directly to the site, click on the link that reads, "Cached". This contains an older version of the page. It can sometimes beat the content filter, because it's not a live site.


    Use a translation tool. Most translation tools allow you to translate an entire site. They work in a fashion similar to the proxy server. In this case, enter the address of the site you wish to view. Choose "Translate from English to English," and the site will most likely appear without being blocked. Here, as with the proxy, you are not accessing the blocked site yourself. The translation site is doing so on your behalf and returning the results to you.

How to Enter the NBA Draft

How to Enter the NBA Draft

The dream of most high school and college basketball players is getting drafted by their favorite NBA teams. This vision of a successful and lucrative career as a professional basketball player can be dashed without proper preparation. The elite players who are drafted by NBA teams are put through rigorous tests and interviews before draft night. Every player who seeks entrance into the NBA draft needs to get ready for months of stress and physical duress.



    Pass your 19th birthday before attempting to enter the NBA Draft. The NBA has prohibited high school players from entering the draft since the 2006-2007 season due to a glut of young players failing to find positions in the league.


    Attend a university with an excellent history of turning out professional basketball players in preparation for the NBA Draft. Elite NBA players like former University of Texas guard Kevin Durant attend school for one year to play against strong competitors and fulfill the league's age limit for players.


    Send a letter expressing your interest in entering the NBA Draft to the league's New York City headquarters. The NBA's general counsel will send a response with an attached application for entry in the NBA Draft.


    Fill out the NBA Draft Application Form completely to ensure a fair hearing from the league's general counsel. This application form requires players to submit academic information, criminal histories and other information that are used by NBA scouts. Complete the application and accompanying forms at least 60 days before the NBA Draft to get on the list of players available to drafting teams.


    Consult with your coach, parents and fellow players about the pros and cons of signing with an agent. Entrants in the NBA Draft cannot return to play in college after they have hired agents due to the loss of amateur status. Players who are projected in the first round should sign with agents quickly to negotiate contracts and take sponsorship offers.


    Attend pre-draft camps held by the NBA to show off your skills to professional coaches, general managers and scouts. Players can participate in the NBA pre-draft camp in Orlando as well as the Portsmouth Invitational Tournament in Virginia ahead of the July draft. There is a pre-draft camp for the NBA Developmental League for players who want to break into basketball through its minor league system.


    Coordinate individual workouts and interviews with NBA teams with the help of your agent or adviser. These workouts are favored by coaches and general managers who want to meet with prospective players outside of the camp environment.


    Express willingness to switch positions, come off the bench and change training habits when meeting with prospective NBA teams. The issue that many players face as they leave college is finding their ideal positions in the NBA. A player who shows flexibility and the drive to improve may leap over players with questionable character in the draft.

How to Delete Recent Searches in the Google Search Engine

How to Delete Recent Searches in the Google Search Engine

Google is the world's most-used search engine, so it's no wonder you've entered all kinds of search terms in your Google search window. But at some point you may have typed in a search term you don't want other people who use your computer to see. Fortunately you can delete recent searches you've entered in the Google search engine. However, your searches are stored in your web browser and not Google itself, so you'll need to clear the history on each browser on your computer in order to delete your recent Google searches.



    Open Internet Explorer, and go to the "Tools" menu. Click "Delete Browsing History," then select both "Delete history" and "Delete forms." Click "yes" in the pop-up confirmation box for each. Click "Close," then close Internet Explorer.


    Open Firefox, go to the "Tools" menu and select "Options." Choose "Clear Recent History." In the "Time range to clear" drop-down menu, choose the time period you'd like to clear--it ranges from "Last hour" to "Everything." Check the boxes for "Browsing & Download History" and "Form & Search History" and click "OK." Close Firefox.


    Open Chrome and go to the "Tools" menu--this isn't labeled, but is marked with an icon that looks like a wrench. Click "Options" and go to the "Under the Hood" tab. Click the "Clear Browsing Data" button and in the drop-down menu next to "Clear data from this period" choose the time period you'd like to clear. Check the box next to "Clear browsing history" and click the "Clear browsing data" button. Click "Close" and close Chrome.

How to Reply to an E-mail Message

"Replying" to a message simplifies your correspondence, since you do not have to enter the recipient's e-mail address manually. Most popular e-mail applications follow a similar procedure.



    Click on the closed e-mail message to select it, or open the message.


    From the Message menu, click on Reply, or click Reply in the toolbar. A new message window will open. The recipient's address will appear automatically in the To field. The Subject will be the same subject as in the original message, and the content of the original message will usually be included, preceded by > signs.


    Add your new content to the message. If desired, you can delete part or all of the content from the original message. You can also add new content at any place in the message so it resembles a conversation. This is called "continuing the thread."

How to Submit Your Page to Search Engines

How to Submit Your Page to Search Engines

Once you publish your website, you'll want people to find it when they search for your keywords. However, before your page will show up in search engines, search engine spiders must index it. Eventually, the spiders will find your website on their own and index them. However, that could take weeks or months, and you want people to find your site now. To expedite the process of getting your website to show up in search results, you need to submit your page to the major search engines.


Submit Your Page to Google


    Type "submit site to Google" into your preferred search engine and hit enter. In the results, you should see a listing with the heading "Add Your URL to Google." Click the link.


    Enter the address for your website's homepage into the text box next to "URL." Make sure to include the "http://" portion of your web address.


    Decode the Captcha at the bottom of the form by typing the characters you see in the image into the text box below it.


    Click the "Add URL" button to submit your site to Google's search engine.

Submit Your Page to Yahoo


    Click the "New here? Sign up" link on Yahoo's home page in order to register for a Yahoo account--a Yahoo account is required in order to submit your page to Yahoo's search engine.


    Enter your name, gender, birthday, country and zip code into the appropriate text fields on the Yahoo registration form. Choose a Yahoo login and password, enter an alternate email address, and create your security questions and answers by filling out the appropriate fields on the form. Finally, decode the Captcha at the bottom of the form by typing the characters you see in the image into the text box above it.


    Click the "Create My Account" button.


    Go to Yahoo Site Explorer ( and click on the link in the box on the left "Submit Your Site."


    Click "Submit Website or Webpage."


    Enter the address for your website's homepage into the text box. Note that Yahoo has automatically entered the "http://" and you don't need to repeat it.


    Click the "Submit URL" button to submit your site to Yahoo's search engine.

Submit Your Page to Bing


    Go to Bing's Webmaster Center ( to reach the form for submitting your page.


    Decode the Captcha by typing the characters you see in the image into the text box below it.


    Enter the address for your website's homepage into the text box below "Type the URL of your homepage." Make sure to include the "http://" portion of your web address.


    Click the "Submit URL" button.

How to Find a Packing Job

How to Find a Packing Job

Most job seekers have two main goals. The first is to find a job that is the right fit. The second is make this job search as brief as possible. Finding the right packing job means combining your experience with proper preparation in order to accomplish this goal.



    Update your resume to focus on obtaining a packing job. Make sure that you focus on your relevant experience and what you can bring to a company that sets you apart. If you do not have experience in packing specifically, draw upon experiences that you have in similar positions. For example, if you were known to quickly and accurately load orders at your previous warehouse position, promote these skills, since there is a strong correlation. Ask friends and colleagues to identify your personal strengths. Your objective is to leverage all these strengths to show an employer why you are the right fit for the packing job.


    Go to job search sites online such as Monster and Careerbuilder. They have search features which quickly allow you to narrow down your search based on keywords. Go to the "keyword" or "job title" box and enter "packing" to narrow down your search. Apply to multiple packing jobs that you feel are a good fit. Do not rely on any one company hiring you. Despite your excellent preparation, it will still be a numbers game in terms of getting an interview. The company may have to choose from many qualified candidates for the packing job, and having several companies involving you in their process will greatly increase your chances.


    Don't forget the "old fashioned" ways of finding job openings. In fact, these resources may be avenues less traveled, which will increase your chances. Check the Sunday newspaper for packing jobs, ask your friends who are involved in the industry, and look for "help wanted" signs at local companies. Focus on those companies that you know have some type of order fulfillment at their local facilities.


    Prepare for your interview. There are plenty of online resources available to help you here as well. Dress for success. A good strategy here is to dress up a level from the job to which you are applying. Although you may be looking for a packing job, do not show up for the interview looking like you just completed your first shift. Instead, dress like you are the one hiring the new packers.


    Follow up with everyone you spoke to by sending them a thank you letter or email. This simple step is not only a professional courtesy, but it helps to put your application in the forefront. Packing jobs tend to have a high number of applicants, many of whom have similar work experience. This is one final way for you to stand out. Since this is a step a lot of people skip, this is where you can gain a significant advantage.

How to Recycle Aluminum Cans and Plastic Bottles and Earn Cash

You can recycle plastic bottles and aluminum cans for cash through the bottle bill program if you reside in one of the 11 participating states. The bill allows retailers to collect a small deposit when they sell anything in certain containers. The deposit is redeemable when the containers are returned to a recycling center. You could also earn some money selling aluminum cans to scrap metal dealers.



    Check for a recycling center close to you at websites such as Earth 911 and Enter your zip code or address in the address field. Enter the materials in the keywords field. For instance, enter "aluminum cans" or "plastic bottles." Contact the center to see if it has specific rules for what it will accept.


    Check the print on the container for its redeemable value. As of 2012, California pays 5 cents for containers under 24 ounces and 10 cents for larger items. Connecticut, Guam, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Maine, New York and Vermont pay 5 cents. Oregon pays 2 cents for refillable containers, and 5 cents for other containers. Michigan pays 10 cents for anything.


    Empty and rinse the containers. Separate the plastic bottles from the cans, and place each in a clear plastic bag or clearly labeled box. Remove the caps from the plastic bottles, but dont remove the labels.


    Turn in the items at the recycling center. Refunds are based on the redeemable value or by total weight of each material. If there's an option, tell the attendant how you prefer to be paid.

How to Write a Resume Profile

How to Write a Resume Profile

Don't waste the space on your resume telling a potential employer you want a job. That's what everyone wants. Instead, write three or four strong statements that tell an employer why he should take a few more seconds to review your resume. Yours might be the only one that catches his eye if you have a well-written profile.



    Write a profile, not an objective. Fill it with key words that are appropriate for your target position. Create a list of 10 or 12 keywords ready to use in your profile. These should include your career title, some industry skills and some general skills. If you need some help with the key word list, browse through a few job board postings. The good ones will be easy to spot.


    Write a statement about your experience that targets the position you're looking for, with one or two of your keywords added for emphasis. An example is, "Highly effective sales management professional with 12 years of experience in world-class environments."


    Write a statement about your professional skills that are transferable to most any position within your field. You might say, "Possesses excellent analytical, time management and account management abilities." Another possibility is, "Able to review and disseminate information to diverse audiences using exceptional written and oral communication skills."


    Complete your profile with a statement about what you can do for a potential employer that someone else might not be able to do. An accounting clerk might write, "Able to process hundreds of thousands of dollars in small sales receipts, daily, while maintaining highest levels of accuracy."

How to Build a Business Website With Apple

How to Build a Business Website With Apple

If you have an Apple Macintosh computer and are running OS X Tiger or a higher operating system, then you already have installed pre-packaged software for building websites. As with many other Apple applications, the iWeb software, which is used for building websites, is easy to use and comes stocked with template websites where you can simply type in your text and drag and drop pictures onto your webpage.



    Plan out your website on a sheet of paper. Decide on how many pages you want to plan for as well as what the purpose of each page will be. Be sure that as your plan your page, you keep things as simple as possible, in order for providing the best user experience.


    Research the websites of other companies or services that provide a product similar to yours. Write down a list of keywords that they use repeatedly in their website, which can help with search engine optimization. Also write down a list of things that you like and dislike about other company's websites so that you can hope to build on what they are already doing, yet provide an enhanced user experience.


    Open the iWeb application. You will be asked to select a template for your website. Within each template is a subsection of multiple different options for page designs within that template, according to the function of each page. Select the pages that you want for your website. Add pages by hitting the + button and choosing "new page" on the bottom left portion of the screen.


    Click on the Media button on the bottom right part of the screen. This icon will enlist a pop-up window to help you customize the media files associated with your website. You can choose to add a song from your iTunes library or drag and drop a photo from your iPhoto library. Each template will come with pictures and picture frames already installed. In order to change a picture, simply drag a picture from the Media pop-up display into the picture frame until you see a "+," which indicates that the new picture is going to replace the old picture on the website.


    Double click on the text boxes, which have text written in Latin. This helps to distinguish between which text is yours and which belongs to the template.


    Create links around text or images by clicking or highlighting a specific picture, icon, graphic, text box or words and then choose "Insert" on the top navigation bar. Scroll down and click on hyperlink, which give you the option to link the highlighted information to a webpage. Enter the webpage in the pop-up box that appears and select "Make all links inactive." Make the links active by un-checking that same box, however, you cannot grab and move any icon, text box or graphic that is linked unless you have the links set to being inactive.


    Customize your webpage appearance by opening the "Inspector" icon found at the bottom right part of the screen. The inspector will allow you to change the background as well as the header, footer and content width of the webpage. Other options with the inspector include enabling RSS feeds, text spacing, graphic rotations, frames, shadows and reflections.


    Use the Help menu at the top right of the screen or type in a question for a search engine if you get stuck on a problem. Chances are that someone else has experienced that same problem and has already addressed it through a forum that you can access by typing in the question.

How to Replace the Power Cord on a Panasonic Portable CD Player

How to Replace the Power Cord on a Panasonic Portable CD Player

While the advent of MP3 players have made portable CD players increasingly rare, they do offer mobility and excellent sound quality for your travel and recreational needs. Many Panasonic portable CD players are equipped with an external AC power cord, so the device can be plugged into an electric outlet when possible, saving the batteries for on-the-go usage. These power cords are not wired directly into the players, but must be plugged in when used. If you have lost your original cord, you'll need to get a new one. Fortunately they are available for many Panasonic models. Here's an example of how to replace the cord for a Panasonic model SL-CT470A portable CD player.



    Go to the Panasonic website (see Resources). Click "Support" and then "Support for Consumers." A new page will open, asking your to "Enter your model or keyword." The model number of your CD player can be found in the manual or on the data plate on the bottom of the player. Enter the model number and press the arrow button to the right.


    Click the option on the new window that says "SL-CT470A Operating Instructions (English)." Your model number will show up instead of "SL-CT470A" if you've entered a different model number in Step 1. When the new window opens, look under the heading for "Supplied Accessories." Note the item number for the AC adapter. In this case the number is RFEA415C-1S.


    Open a search window on your computer. Type in Panasonic RFEA415C-1S in the search box. You'll find several sources for this part. Follow the website's instructions for ordering the new power cord.

How to Change "Ctrl-Click" to a Single Click Web Link in Word

How to Change

Web links in an unprotected Word document can be clicked on to open the Web page in your computer's browser. You can modify Word's settings to access the link through a single click or by pressing the "Ctrl" key and clicking your mouse.



    Launch Word. Click on the "Microsoft Office" button to open the "Word Options" dialog box.


    Click on the "Options" button, located under the "Word" tab. The Word Options dialog box appears.


    Select the "Advanced" tab from the left pane. Then clear the checkbox next to "Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlinks."


    Click "OK." The "Ctrl-Click" hyperlink function is disabled.

How to Switch a Keyboard Back to English

How to Switch a Keyboard Back to English

When your computer keyboard stops being predictable, and pressing the "q" button gives you a Russian "ya" letter, or your "@" sign is suddenly in a different place, it can be a nightmare to type anything. Changing your keyboard back to English, however, is quite easy on any operating system.


Windows 7 or Windows Vista

    Your mouse can change the keyboard's language.
    Your mouse can change the keyboard's language.

    Hover your mouse over the two capital initials that are found on your taskbar (on a standard layout: at the bottom of the screen). For example, if the taskbar shows "FR," the keyboard's language is set to French.

    If the letters on the taskbar are not visible, look for the language bar on the top of the screen, which will show two capital initials, a language, country, help button and drop down button e.g. FR French (France).


    Left-click on the initials and select the "EN" (desired country) from the drop-down list. Keyboards between English speaking countries can be different and you should select the appropriate country. If there is no EN option available, left-click on Options, then click on Settings and then on Add. Choose your required EN input language and EN keyboard layout.


    To change via the keyboard hot keys, hold the keys left ALT and SHIFT to quickly shift through your various languages, or go to Options in the language bar, select Key Settings, chose your desired version of EN and left-click Change Key Sequence. This will prompt you to choose your own shortcut to change the keyboard to that language.


    Alternatively, Microsoft says you should "click Start, then type intl.cpl into the search box, go to the Keyboards and Languages tab, click keyboards, then add your chosen version of EN by selecting it and clicking OK. Then click on the default input language, select your chosen EN and click OK twice. In the Regional and Language Options dialog box, click OK."


    If none of the above steps work, click on Settings and choose Restore Default. This should switch the keyboard to EN (U.S. American) English and allow you to manually add any other EN languages using Steps 1-3.

How to Find a Book Read Long Ago

How to Find a Book Read Long Ago

Have you ever had a random memory of a book you read long ago, only to have most of the details of the book escape you? It can be quite frustrating when the title of the book is on the tip of your tongue, but you can't draw the details from memory. Another problem arises when you know the book information, but the book is no longer in print for you to buy. There are several resources and technologies that can help you find that book read long ago.



    Ask your local librarian if she has ever heard of the book and if the library has it available to borrow. If you don't remember the title or the author, the librarian may be able to help you find the book based on the details you can remember.


    Refer to lists of commonly assigned reading books for different grade levels; the Internet is a great source for these types of lists. If it's a book you read in school, there's a great chance you will recognize the title on one of these lists.


    Ask your local bookstore to place a special order for the book if they don't have it in stock. Although bookstores keep thousands of titles stocked, the stores still have access to many other books if customers put in a request.


    Search for the book on an online bookstore's website. Sites like have new books as well as used books that are no longer in print. Amazon also has a search database that will allow you to search for a title based on keywords and phrases you can remember.


    Enter the title of the book, keyword phrases or quotes from the book into an Internet search engine. You might be able to find the book for sale or at least figure out the book's title.


    Post a query on an "ask and answer" website where Internet users can respond to your questions; chances are someone else will remember the book you're trying to find so you'll know the title. Many libraries also have an online query system that will let you post questions.

How to Record Keystrokes on My Computer for Free

How to Record Keystrokes on My Computer for Free

Recording keystrokes on a computer can be helpful in a number of ways. One of the most common benefits of keylogging, or recording every keystroke made on a computer, is to back up any text typed in an email or file in case of an error or accidental text deletion. Another reason many people employ keylogger software is to track the computer habits of an employee or child. Whatever the purpose, users can obtain and use free, efficient keylogging software.



    Download free keylogger software and save the downloaded file in a location that can be easily remembered. Some options for free keylogging programs are Free KGB Key Logger, Actual Keylogger and LightLogger (see Resources section).


    Install the keylogging program chosen. Open the downloaded file by double-clicking on it and then follow the on-screen instructions.


    Open the installed program. Some free keylogger programs will automatically run when the installation has completed, but others may require opening from the Start menu or Windows orb, then clicking on the name of the program that was installed.


    Set up the keylogger. The options in each keylogger program are different. Set any program options available to desired preferences.


    Begin recording keystrokes. Start the program by clicking "Start," "Begin Keylogging" or simply closing the program, since some will start recording strokes automatically once installed.


    Access and study keylogger records when desired. For keyloggers that are meant to remain stealthy, a password will most likely need to be typed to bring up the program and recorded keystrokes. For other programs, simply access the program through the Start menu as described in Step 3.

How to Cite an Internet Source Sheet

If you have to write a paper for work or school, you probably have to cite your sources. Two common ways of citing sources are by using Modern Language Association, or MLA, and American Psychological Association, or APA, format. Each style varies in the information that you need to include, so it's best to double-check with your instructor or editor when compiling your source sheet.


MLA Format


    Locate the author of the Internet source. Write the name as last name and first name. For example, if the author is Robert Lee, write "Lee, Robert." Follow this with a period.


    Write the title in quotes. Follow this with a period. It should look like this: "How to Cite Internet Sources."


    Enter the name the website. Make sure to italicize it and follow it with a period. For example, if the website is named VirtualSalt, you would italicize that exact name.


    Include the date that the source published or revised. If there is no date, use the copyright date at the bottom of the website. Write it as day, month and year. If the article was published on July 4, 2010, write it as "4 July 2010." Follow the date with a period.


    Write the date that you found the source. Also, write it as day, month and year. If you came upon the article on November 20, 2010, write it as "20 November 2010." Follow this with a period.


    Include the full URL of the website. Enclose the website with brackets. It should look like this: . Include a period after the URL.

APA Format


    Locate the author's name. Write it as last name and first initial. For the author, Robert Lee, write it out as "Lee, R." Follow with a period.


    Write the date of the article. In this case, you would write it as year, month and day. For the date July 4, 2010, write it out as "(2010, July 4)," with the parentheses. Follow with a period.


    Find the title of the article. Capitalize only the first letter of the title. The title How to Cite Internet Sources should look like: How to cite internet sources. Italicize the title and follow it with a period.


    Include "Retrieved from" and the website URL. It should appear as follows, without the quotes: "Retrieved from".

How to Thaw Out Frozen Car Door Latches

How to Thaw Out Frozen Car Door Latches

Winter can be brutal for your car. As the temperature drops below 32 degrees F., things begin to freeze. One of those things is the latches to your car doors. Once this happens, there is no way to enter the car to get it started. If you have to arrange for another ride to work or school, you could end up being late. However, you can get back into your car if you learn just a few tricks.



    Put on your winter jacket and don't forget a pair of winter gloves. It will take a few minutes to unfreeze your locks, and you don't want to freeze yourself in the process.


    Use an ice scraper to scrape off any ice or snow from your car. You must have the ice and snow out of the way before you can begin to thaw your door locks.


    Use a blow dryer to heat up your car key. Stick the warm car key in the lock and let it sit for 60 seconds to warm up the area. Try turning it a few times and see whether it frees up your door.


    Use the blow dryer directly on the key hole and near the door handle if the door still won't open. You will most likely need to attach the blow dryer to an extension cord to do this. Once the lock is warmed up, you will be able to open the door.


    Pour rubbing alcohol over the key hole, door handle, and in between the crack of the door. Rubbing alcohol stops water from being able to freeze. Results are almost immediate.

What Type of Personality Does a Sagittarius Have?

The sun travels through the constellation of Sagittarius from approximately November 22 to December 21, depending on the year. Those born during this time are said to be Sagittarians. The word "Sagittarius" derives from the Latin for "archer." The constellation depicts a centaur--half-man, half-horse--aiming a bow and arrow. It represents the wise centaur from Greek legend known as Chiron, renowned as a teacher, healer and philosopher. The symbolism of this blend of horse and man holds the key to understanding the personality of a Sagittarius.

The Independent

    One of the Sagittarian's main traits is independence. Like a roaming horse, he will not want to be "fenced in," whether in a career or a relationship. The Sagittarian must be free to express himself and does not tolerate supervision well. He can work within the confines of an organization if given the freedom of operating on his own. Likewise, a Sagittarian quickly loses interest in a relationship where he is pressured to account for his every action.

The Optimist

    Sagittarians are known for their optimistic natures. For the most part, they tend to look on the bright side and seem to be naturally lucky. This luck may actually come about as a result of being open to opportunities and always ready to explore the new. Their optimism goes hand in hand with their idealism. They have a strong sense of justice and many often enter the law profession to put their ideals into practice.

The Seeker

    The astrological keywords for Sagittarius are "I See." Sagittarians see the big picture, rather than the small details. This far-seeing ability enables them to spot trends and gives them almost a sense of prophecy. They naturally "think big." They have a love of knowledge and never stop learning. They can be perpetual students, seeking knowledge for its own sake, or at least eager to investigate any new subject that catches their attention. Sagittarians are natural teachers and never tire of dispensing information to anyone who will listen. This love of knowledge can extend to more abstract subjects, such as philosophy and the metaphysical. While they may not necessarily profess a specific religion, Sagittarians have a deeply spiritual side that must find expression.

The Traveler

    True to their symbol of a centaur, Sagittarians have a love of the natural world and animals. They have a need to be physically active and often are natural athletes. Sagittarians are the travelers and adventurers of the zodiac. They are fascinated by other cultures and the exotic. Sagittarians are more likely to spend a vacation trekking in the Himalayas than lying on a beach and may often take up residence in a foreign country, either for study or permanently.

The Friend

    Gregarious and generous, the Sagittarian's emotions are more engaged on a mental level than a sensual one. Sagittarians may often appear fickle in affairs of the heart and have been traditionally viewed as the "bachelors" of the zodiac. However, the perfect mate for a Sagittarian is someone who is also a best friend. When they can establish a mental connection with another person, the Sagittarian's deep sense of loyalty will come into play.

How to Crack/hack Password Protected Zip Files

How to Crack/hack Password Protected Zip Files

You thought you were smart. You would put a password on your zip file, Genius!

But now you have either lost the password or forgotten it.

The files are gone forever..right?

Nope, let me explain how to get the password and the files back. It's easy.



    You will need a brute force attack program that will try millions of passwords on the zip file until it gets the correct one. It can take minutes to months depending on how hard you made the password. You just have to think how important the files are to you.

    I have personally forgotten my passwords before and used a brute force attack application to regain the password and the files in mere minutes.

    So let's begin..


    Finding a brute force attack application:

    I searched Google for "hack password protected zip file program"
    and found this application

    You can look for others if this one is out of your price range or you want one with more features.

    You can also try searching for keywords like :
    "hack zip file"
    "crack zip file:


    Now that you have the brute force attack application you install it and set it to attack your locked zip file.

    In no time you will have your files and the password back.


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