This is a simple guide to show you how to make money with Google Ad Sense. If you already have a webpage or blog
and aren't using Google Ad Sense, you could be missing out on some automatic earnings everyday. Google AdSense basically puts ads on your website that are related to your website content. You get paid when someone clicks an ad.
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For example: I have a website that I sell dog t-
shirts from:
If I want to make extra income from ads on my web-
site, I sign up for Google AdSense. Google Adsense
then gives me an HTML code that I enter on my
dog t-shirt website. Now, ads begin to appear on my
website that are related to my site's content.
The example below shows some Google AdSense
ads on my dog t-shirt website:
Ads Relate to Content.
As you can see, all of the ads are
related to dogs, and may be help-
ful and interesting to people who
are visiting a dog t-shirt website. If
someone is interested in dog jew-
elry, they might click the ad that
says "Dog Gifts & Collectibles."
When they click that ad, I will earn
a profit. I earn a profit every time
an ad is clicked.
When They Click,
You Earn.
It's that easy to earn money with
Google AdSense, and you don't
have to worry about selling a
product or inventory, etc. Once
you set up your Ad Sense account,
Google takes care of the rest. It's
basically a "hands off" money-making system. It is
a great way to earn extra passive income on your
website or blog.
How Much Profit Can I Make?
Let's say I earn an average of $.12 per click from my
ads on my dog t-shirt website. If 1,000 people visit
my website a day, and out of those 1,000 people,
10 click on a Google Ad sense ad, then I will make
$1.20 a day. So it is basically a numbers game. The
more traffic you have, the more earnings you can
How do I sign up for Google AdSense?
Go to: Google Adsense
(You will need a blog or some other type of web-
site to sign up for Google AdSense.) If you don't
have a website or blog, there are many free blog
sites available. I personally use There
are also services where you can make free websites
such as:
Create your Ads
After signing up on Google AdSense, log into your
account at:
Click "AdSense Setup" on the toolbar.
To place ads on your blog or content website,
click "AdSense for Content"
Click "Ad unit" (the default) for now, and click
Choose the size of ads you would like displayed
on your page and the colors.
Check out this video for great tips on choosing
ad sizes, colors, and ways to optimize your Google
AdSense ads:
8Adjust your Ads
Next, you can add a channel if you like to help you
group certain adds together and help track them
Name your ad with a title that is easy to recognize
and includes the name of your website, size of the
ad, location of where you will put the ad on your
webpage (ex: DogHomepage 728x90 top center).
Click "Submit and Get Code."
Add the Code to Your Website or Blog
Go to your website and enter the area where you
can edit the HTML on your website.
Paste your Google AdSense code into the html at
your desired location on the website layout.
After adding the new HTML code, your Google Ad-
Sense ads should begin appearing on your website.
The ads should be related to the content of your
website. If they are not related to your content,
you may need to edit your website's content to
add more keywords that highlight the main topic of
your website.
Sit back and Start Earning
When someone visits your website and clicks
on one of your Google AdSense ads, you will earn
money in your Google Adsense account.
Warning: DO NOT click on your own Adsense
ads or put content on your website that says things
like "Click my Adsense ads." If you do so, Google
Adsense will suspend or cancel your account.
You can check your Google Adsense account
whenever you like to see how much money you are
earning and to find out which ads are working best
for you. You can then adjust your ads accordingly for
the best results.