How to Drive People to My Website

How to Drive People to My Website

A website can work as a marketing tool for a business or it can be a platform for you to blog and communicate your interests to the world. However, if no one visits your website, you might as well not have it online. Driving traffic to your site will get visitors reading your content or visiting your business. Here are three ways to drive traffic to your site: pinging, social bookmarking and article marketing.




    Go to sites like Pingomatic, Pingler or PingMyBlog. Pinging lets search engines know that your blog or website has been updated.


    Enter the name and URL of your website or blog.


    Check the boxes for the web services you want to ping. Click "Ping My Site."

Social Bookmarking


    Go to Social Marker, a service that will help you bookmark to many social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Propeller and Delicious.


    Enter the title of your website page, the URL and some text to summarize what's on the page. Enter keyword tags for the page.


    Click "Submit." As you go to each bookmarking site, you'll be prompted to sign up for the site. Choose a user name, password and enter your email address to sign up for the site.


    Repeat the steps in this section each time you add new content or a new web page to your site.

Article Marketing


    Write articles related to the topics on your web site.


    Go to article directories and sign up for an author account. Create a short bio about yourself and put a link to your website in the bio box if the site allows it.


    Submit your articles to the article directories and include a resource box at the bottom of each article. In the resource box, describe your site and what it offers. Include a link to either the homepage or other pages on your site. Submit approximately 10 articles each day to article directories. People searching for information on the web will see your articles come up in the search results, click on your link and go to your site.

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