How to Make Place Cards in Word

How to Make Place Cards in Word

If you're thinking about purchasing professionally made place cards for a wedding or other special event, consider making your own in Microsoft Word. It can save you a lot of money and time to customize and personalize place cards right from your own computer. Word has a variety of customizable templates for many types of documents. Download a place-card template of your choosing and replace the sample with your guests' names.



    Open Microsoft Word.


    Click the "Microsoft Office Button," then "New."


    Click the search bar at the very top of the "New Document" window. Here you can either select a template category or search for one with a keyword. Enter "Place Card" and click the right-arrow icon. This will bring up all the available place-card templates from Microsoft Office Online. There are a variety of designs suitable for different occasions.


    Select a template that you would like to use. Click "Download" to open the template in a new document.


    Click a text box that contains a name on one of the place cards. Highlight the text and type over it with a name of one of your guests. Continue replacing each place-card name with the names you need.


    Feed some card-stock paper into your printer. Card stock is a stiff and heavy paper that is suitable for place cards.


    Click the "Microsoft Office Button" and then click "Print." Print out the first page. If you have more than one page's worth of place cards to make, change all the names and print a new page.

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