In the modern world of online networking, Facebook can be a handy tool to find potential employees. You can use this website to find people who might fill a position within your organization. You also can use Facebook to communicate with prospects who might seem right for the job. You only need to follow some simple steps to find potential employees on Facebook.
- 1
If you're not already registered on the website, sign up on the right-hand side of the home page. You'll need to enter some basic information, as well as a password to create a personal account. Having a personal account is necessary in order to search for potential employees.
2Type in a relevant keyword that applies to your line of work in the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. For instance, if you are looking for someone to fill an engineering position, enter "engineers" in the search box.
3Click on one of the groups' icons that appear in order to view individual members of the group. Once you're on the group's facebook page, you'll need to click on "See All" in the members' box on the left side of the page.
4Click on an individual's profile and then "Add as Friend" if you want to communicate with the person via personal Facebook pages. If the person accepts your friend request, then you'll be able to view her personal page and communicate with her.
5Click "Join" at the top of the groups page if you wish to join the group you're searching and communicate with potential employees through the group's specific site.