As you use your computer, the number of files you create may grow to the point where it's difficult to find the files you're looking for. Use a desktop search alternative to find files anywhere on your PC. The best desktop search alternatives also let you search email messages, calendar functions, the Internet and more.
Google Desktop
Download Google Desktop, a free application featuring desktop search. Use Google Desktop to search files over your entire computer as well as emails and the Internet. Google Desktop also features a sidebar with customizable widgets. To start a desktop search, enter your search criteria in the text box at the bottom of the sidebar or tap the Ctrl button twice. Type in what you want to look for and Google Desktop will give you results both from your computer and the Internet.
Copernic Desktop Search
Try the free Home version of Copernic Desktop Search to find anything stored on your computer. Look at a preview of your results to be sure you found the right file before you start the program. Purchase the Professional or Corporate version of Copernic Desktop Search for added functionality, such as expanded network support and customizable shortcuts. Copernic Desktop Search is compatible with Microsoft Office 2010 programs and files, and it is optimized to work well with small netbook computers. Filter your search results by characteristics such as file type and advanced keywords to get the exact file you're looking for.
X1 Professional
X1 Professional will not only search for data files and documents, it also works with other programs. The desktop search will look through your calendar, email inbox, electronic address book, attachments and remote network files. X1 Professional also integrates with Microsoft SharePoint. Look at a preview of your file to make sure you've found the right one before opening it. X1 Professional desktop search can display a preview of over 500 different file types, including MPEG videos, Yahoo! Messenger messages, WordPerfect presentations and StarOffice drawings. Purchase X1 Professional desktop search or download a trial version to test it out.