How to Publish a Book With Lulu is an online print-on-demand publishing company that allows anyone to upload and publish a book for free. You can choose to publish a book for your personal use, have it available for a private group or publish it worldwide for profit.


Get Started


    Create an account at by selecting "Sign Up" in the top right corner (see Resources). Log in with your email and password.


    Click the tab labeled "My Lulu" at the top of the page. Under My Recent Projects, select "Start a New Project".


    Select the paperback option, which is the most cost-efficient option for customers who may buy your book.


    Write the title of your book where it says "Working Title." Type in the author's name underneath. If you want to write more than one author, click the "+" at the right of the author field.


    Select "Keep it Private and Accessible Only to Me." You will change this in a later step, if you desire. Select "Save and Continue."


    Write in how many pages you have in your manuscript body at the top. Make sure you count the front and back of each page, even if it's blank. This will calculate the cost of producing each book, which will be passed down to customers.


    Select the type of paper you want to use by clicking and highlighting your choice. The paper type will effect the size of books available to you. "Publisher Grade" is typically used for trade novel size, and other books use "Standard."


    Select your size of book. Click the "All" tab to see your options. Pick the type of binding you want. The choice for soft covers are "Perfect," "Coil" and "Saddlestitch."


    Select the color for the inside pages. The cover will always be full color. Full color for the inside pages, however, can be costly. Customers will be less likely to purchase an overpriced book. Select "B&W" if you want to keep the cost low, or "Full Color" if it's essential to have colored photos or images inside your book. Select "Save and Continue" at the bottom of the page.


    Upload the file for the inside pages of your book in DOC, RTF, WPS, PDF, or PS format by selecting "Browse." Select your file from your computer, and click "Open." Select "Upload." Once the file appears under "My Project File," select "Make Print-Ready File" and then "Save and Continue."


    Select "Add Images," which is an orange bar on the right side of the page. Select "Upload," and use the shift key on you keyboard to select all the JPEG image files from your computer for your back and front cover.


    Select "Close Image Browser" once the images appear in a box on the right. Drag and drop your images on the small book icon in the center of the page. Drop them where you want them to appear.


    Select "Preview and Make Print-Ready Cover" at the bottom right of your screen. Review your cover, and select "Make Print-Ready Cover." Select "Save and Continue" to finish cover.


    Review all of the files and information on the review page. Under Availability, select whether you want "Private Access," "Direct Access" through a personal website, or "General Access" to sell and distribute your book. Select "Save and Continue." Your book is published if you chose private or direct access.

General Access


    Select a category, keywords and description for your book. Choose the language in which it is published.


    Add the copyright ownership information. Select "Save and Continue." Leave the ISBN space blank, and edit it later once Lulu assigns you with a number.


    Enter the revenue you would like to make on each book. This will create a price for the purchase of your book. Check the "Ebook" choice if you wish to have an electronic version available, and enter in a price for that version.


    Select "Review Project" and review all the information. Once your are done, select "Save and Finish." Your book is now finished.


    Go to "My Lulu," and your project will appear. Here you can promote, buy, revise or delete your book. Select "Buy" to purchase a copy, review your book once it comes in the mail and then log in to your account. Add the ISBN number by selecting "Revise." Select "Approve Book" to release it to the public.

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