Business cards are useful tools for sharing information about individual or business services. Here is a way to create professional looking business cards.
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Start by writing on a piece of paper the information you want to present on the business card. Write down general contact information such as business title, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail or web sites. Near your business title try including keywords that describe the business services offered. You could also add an eye catching image or logo to the layout.
2Open a new document in your word processing program and save your new project with appropriate title heading. Creating a file document and folder will help you find your project easier.
3In the open document create a table with two columns. This could be done by clicking on the insert menu and clicking on the table icon in Microsoft Word 2007. Pressing the tab key will add more cells to your table. Adding space within the cell could be done by pressing the enter key or by simply stretching out the column borders using the ruler bar.
4Once the cells are properly sized you could insert a table within the cell. Inserting a table will help organize the information that you enter within the larger cell.
5Type the information that you wish to share from the paper layout into the inner table. Use the tab key to move to the next cell or press alt and tab simultaneously to move back a cell. Try using keyboard shortcuts such as (ctrl + Z) for undoing entries before saving.
6Add an image or company logo in one of the cells in the inner table. To adjust the borders in the inner table just select the cells, right click and choose the appropriate command. The inner table borders could then be removed by right clicking and selecting borders and shading in Microsoft Word 2007.
7When satisfied with the business card begin to copy and paste into the other empty cells. Select all the contents within the cell box and hold down the control key (ctrl) and the letter C to copy. Place your cursor in each empty cell and simultaneously press ctrl and the letter V to paste.
8Once all the final edits are made to the cards select print preview and save the document. Print the cards on business card stock paper and cut precisely to create the professional looking business cards.