How to Keyword Ads for Google Ad words

How to Keyword Ads for Google Ad words

Learning how to keyword ads for google ad words isn't really that hard. If you are already familiar with google ad word advertising then writing a key worded google ad words ad will seem like second nature. Once I explain how a keyword ad works your sure to increase profits with your pay per click campaign immediately.



    The first step in how to write a keyword ad for google ad word is understanding keyword advertising. A google ad word ad is put together by you, but is based on a specific amount of chosen words that will trigger your google ad word pay per click ad to display in search results. A key worded google ad word ad is a tad bit different as I will explain further.


    Ok so you already have a keyword list of let's say 20 different words to use in your pay per click campaign for your google ad word ad. When you enter each word of your keyword list on Google they will tell you if each word on your keyword list is either poor or great for your google ad word ad. This means basically if the word will bring traffic for your pay per click ad for google ad word.


    Next when using Google's pay per click search engine advertising you may notice that some of your words from your keyword list aren't showing your google ad word ads. In most cases you may have bid to low for that particular word from your keyword list. Some words truthfully will require you to bid more because of the competition for that particular word for your google ad word ads keywords. What can you do however if all you can afford is 50 cent or less to run your pay per click campaign and still be successful? You have to learn to write a key worded google ad word ads and learn fast.


    The first thing you want to do is perform a search dealing with your service or product for your key worded google ad word ads. Let's say your company sells pay per click banner advertising. You should do a search for all words dealing with pay per click banner advertising for your google ad word ads. When you do each search notice all the words that appear on each page. Pay close attention to all the words that are in bold print. These will be the words that you will construct your key worded google ad word ads around.


    It's much more than coming up with a slick or tricky pay per click google ad word ad that does nothing but gets passed up or one that generates ad clicks and no sales. You should be constructing your key worded google ad word ads around all the bold print that you see when you do a search.

    Why? Because the more bold print a customer or searcher see's the more your google ad word pay per click campaign ads are inline with what they are searching for. Every key worded google ad word ad you create should have a minimum of 4 keywords in the ad itself.


    There should be a keyword in the title of the key worded google ad word ad along with 3 other keywords in the text of the google ad word ad. If you have a domain name with which you are able to utilize a keyword too, all the better. Below is an example of a key worded google ad word ad so you may fully understand.

    How to Keyword Ads for Google Ad Words
    write keyword ads that soar
    keyword advertising made simple


    In the example above there are a total of 8 keywords for this google ad word ad. If all you can afford in your keyword list for your google ad word pay per click campaign is 2 words. Then your key worded google ad word ad will have 8 bold words in it. The word - keyword & the word - ad. What this does for you is basically guarantee a click on your key worded google ad word ad because of all the bold words which are for sure, attention getters. All you have to do then is have your product waiting. Setup your Google Ad Word campaign today or if you already have one login now and make the necessary changes.

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