Build a Free Website to Come Up on Google

Running a website is a great way to attract new customers to a business, show off your artistic side or just create something for fun. However, with as many websites as there are on the Internet today, it becomes more difficult to get your website to stand out from the others. Google tracks websites automatically by analyzing their content and adding them to its search results. Nonetheless, by adding meta tags to your HTML code, you can help Google display more relevant results for searches.


    Open your index.html page with an HTML editor. Whether you have finished the site or have just gotten started, the edits required are simple and won't affect the rest of your site.

    Locate the tags and add some space between them by pressing "Enter." What you will be adding goes between the and tags exclusively, so just make some space so you can add in the meta tags without causing yourself any confusion later.

Meta Code

    Paste the following code between the tags:

Website Description

    Replace "Description Goes Here" with a description of your website. This is what shows up under the name of your site on the Google search results page instead of Google trying to make one for itself. For example, you could write, "This is a site for my photos and photo galleries." Keep it short (one to three sentences) to make sure it doesn't trail off on the results page.


    Add in keywords that are relevant to your website, separated by commas. For example, if you have a site about your photography, add keywords like "photography, gallery, landscape, photo gallery," and more that pertain to specific aspects of your site. Add in keywords about the subject matter of your site's content. Also remember that more keywords aren't necessarily better; keep the list short and relevant to your site.


    Replace the "Name" text with your own name. You're the author of the site, so your name goes here. However, if you'e using a pre-made template or some other pre-made material and there is already a name there, do not remove it; keep it there to credit the creator.

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