Craigslist is a great way to connect with local people to buy, sell, find jobs and more. You can enhance your Craigslist postings using HTML, the same computer language used to create Web pages. HTML is written using "tags" special keywords surrounded by angled brackets. These tags partition portions of the text in your post to stylize and arrange it. You can also add extra images to your Craigslist ads using HTML tags. Make your Craigslist postings more attractive and easier to read by adding your own HTML code.
- 1
- List item A
- List item B
- List item C
Stylize the text in your posting using the "b," "u," "i," "big" and "small" tags. Those tags create bold, underlined, italicized, larger and smaller text, respectively. The following code example shows how these tags may be used in your Craigslist ads:
Bold words add emphasis, as do underlined words and italicized words. You can also make text larger and smaller.
Notice how the tags are inserted seamlessly into the type, and how each tag has a closing counterpart that begins with a slash. Text not enclosed in tags will appear as it normally would without any formatting. You can also nest multiple tags together, like this:
Bold and underlined
2Control the font size more precisely and color text in your ad using "font" tags. Craigslist supports the following colors: black, blue, fuchsia, green, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red and teal. Here is an example of the font tag, which includes size and color as "attributes" within the tag:
Big Green Letters
You can use 2,3,4,5 and 6 as numeric values of the "size" attribute; the higher the number, the larger the font. The usual size is 3.
3Surround paragraphs with "p" tags and the browser will space them appropriately. You can also use the "align" attribute to set the paragraph with right justification. For example:
This sentence is on the right side of the page.
4Use the "br" tag to insert a line break. This tag does not need a closing counterpart with a slash. For example:
This is the first line,
and this is the second line.
Add a horizontal line to separate parts of your Craigslist ad using the "hr" tag ("hr" stands for "horizontal rule"). You can use the "align" attribute to place the line on the left, center or right side of the posting, and you can specify the length and thickness of the line in pixels using the "width" and "size" attributes. Here's an example:
The "hr" tag, like the "br" tag, does not require a closing tag.
6Make lists using the "ul" or "ol" tags and nest "li" tags within them. For example:
The "ul" stands for "unordered list," and creates a list with each item bulleted. If you use "ol" instead, the list will be numbered.
7Create a hyperlink using the "a" tag. This is useful if you want browsers to open the link from your Craigslist ad in a new window or tab, so readers won't be drawn away from your ad by clicking on the link. Use the following code to accomplish this, typing the link URL into the "href" attribute:
Text for the person to click on
Remove the "target" attribute if you want the link to take people away from your ad, which is how hyperlinks usually work. People may find it annoying if a new window pops up when they click on a link.
8Add an image to your Craigslist ad using an "img" tag. The "src" attribute must contain the URL of the image:
The "img" tag does not need a closing counterpart. A number of free image hosting websites exist, so you can add as many pictures to your Craigslist postings as you like, not just the few that Craigslist hosts for you.