College papers, technical manuals and historical papers often include footnotes, which can be used to denote the source of a statement or provide further explanation without crowding the original text. You can add footnotes to documents produced in Microsoft Word 2007. The footnotes appear just as they do in printed text: a superscript number with the referenced footnote at the page's bottom.
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Select the part of your document that requires the footnote. Do this by holding down the left-click button and dragging it across the word or phrase.
2Click the "References" tab in the upper bar (referred to as the Ribbon) of your Word document. Locate the "Footnotes" tab, which is defaulted to the second tab from the left.
3Click the "Insert Footnote" button. This takes you to the bottom of a document's page with a blinking cursor and the footnote number. Type your footnote here.
4Right-click and select "Go to Footnote", which will bring you to your original footnote location. If you let your cursor hover over the superscript number, you will see the note hover in a small text box.