How to Add Meta Tags to a Website

Meta Tags are used to apply effects, define keywords, and select page language, as well as many other uses in HTML. These bits of code help a developer control how a webpage operates and can often control part of the visitors experience. Meta Tags are typically simple lines of code that can be used by even programmers new to HTML. This article will offer some simple Meta Tag examples that will help you tune up your website for future visitors.



    Add a Keyword meta tag to assist search engines in analyzing your page and producing more hits. Use the following code:


    Place words that describe your website in the 'content' section where I've used the words 'keyword'. Add as many keywords as you like, separating each with a comma. Don't go overboard and list hundreds of keywords. A few well thought out words will work fine.


    Include the following tag to provide a description of your webpage.


    Write a short, concise description of your webpage in the space shown above. Again, a few good sentences is all that is needed.


    Provide a creation date for your webpage by adding the following tag:This tag will provide visitors a date of when the page was last updated or edited. Recently updated pages often receive more hits than those which have been ignored for a long period of time.


    Define the default style sheet language when using Cascading Style Sheets with your page by adding the following code:This space can also be used to copyright the page content.


    Prevent search engine spiders from indexing certain pages of your website by adding the following meta tag:Do not alter this tag.


    Add a simple 'Fade In' special effect to your webpage by utilizing the following code:

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