How to Set Up a Webpage for Google AdSense

One of the ways you can earn money operating a website is to place ads on your webpage. As it case with any type of advertising, there are nearly countless services who will pay you to use your website for advertising. If you choose to use Google's AdSense program, which presents your visitor with "contextual" ads which pertain to your site's content, setting up your website for the service will require only a few pieces of information.



    Sign up for a Google AdSense account. Go to and login with your Google account, if you have one. Otherwise, click the blue "Sign Up Now" button. In both cases, enter your website address (URL), whether your website is for individual or business use, your name and contact information. Click the "Submit Information" button. If you don't yet have a Google account, you'll be prompted to create one, although it's not necessary to use AdSense.


    Respond to your confirmation email so that Google can begin processing your application. According to Google, processing takes two to three business days. Click the link contained in the email Google AdSense will send you.


    Setup your AdSense once your account has been approved. Go to and click on the "AdSense Setup" tab. Click "AdSense for Content" (or "AdSense for Domains" if you don't yet have content on your website).


    Design your ad. Specify whether you'd text ads, image ads or text and image ads. Alternatively, you can choose to display a list of links instead of an ad. Click "Continue" and choose a format and color scheme for your ad. Drop-down the menu next to "Format" to select from the available formats ("350 x 250 Medium Rectangle," for example). Click on any color under the "Palettes" pane to search for a new one. Click "Continue" twice, then click the "Submit and Get Code" button to get your ad's code for your website.


    Copy the code from Google and paste it into your website's HTML. Double-click to select the ad code then copy your text by holding down the "Ctrl" and "C" keys at the same time. Login to your web server and access your "File Manager." Open your site's "index.html" file (or whichever page you use as a homepage) and paste the ad in anywhere after the "" tag, but before the "" tag. Save the HTML file and refresh your website to see your ads.

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