There are times you are reading an article online or doing research on a specific web page and you just want to find out if certain keywords exist on the page without having to read all the text. There is a fast and easy way to do it. Here's how:
- 1
Open your internet browser and go to the site you want to visit. You can use any internet browser. In this example, I will open the CNN web site to check the news using Mozilla Firefox.
2Once the page is loaded, you can start locating the words or phrases you want in the web page itself. On your keyboard, press the key combination CTRL + F. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, a small window will dock on the bottom of the web page which looks like the one shown on the left. If you are using Internet Explorer, use the same key combination and a small window will appear on the top-most part of the page you are viewing.
3On the box provided, fill in the search phrase or word. In my example, I want to search for the word "Obama" all throughout the web page. Type the word on the text box provided. You will notice that if the word or phrase exists in the page, it is automatically highlighted. See the example on the left.
4Press Enter button several times or click on the Next or Previous button to check other instances of the word within the web page. The word will be highlighted again all throughout the page.
5If your search doesn't return any result, the text box will change its background color to let you know it doesn't found any matches.
6To find other word or phrases, just delete the existing word from the search box and enter your new search.