The Internet is crowded with adult web sites competing against one another for the traffic that can lead to advertising dollars. There is no doubt the adult industry is booming. Learn how to create an adult web site that will allow you to get in on the wealth of advertising dollars this industry generates every day.
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Design your web site. You need to know what your content will be and where you will get it. Are you going to write the text and take the pictures yourself? Do you have anyone who can give you a hand? If not, you'll have to hire someone. A website needs content in order to generate visitors. Content needs to be updated regularly to keep visitors coming back. It's the number of returning visitors that generates web income.
2Use web design software to build the web pages you will upload to your web host with an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program. There are many web design programs that work like word processors and will allow you to easily create web pages with little or no knowledge of HTML. Dreamweaver is a popular choice, but if you want to keep the budget down, there are free programs capable of doing a good deal of the work for you.
3Find a web host and secure a domain name. Many web hosting services will register a domain name for you if you use their hosting services. The cost is usually included in the hosting fee. When choosing a web hosting service, make sure they give you plenty of storage space. An adult web site is normally graphic intensive, and graphics take up space. Once you begin uploading files to your web host, you'll see how quickly space gets used.
4Gather photographs for your website. Many adult websites reuse the same content. This may be cheaper, but it's not a good way to create a site people will want to come back to. Try to get original material. This means hiring your own models and taking photographs specifically for your site. Follow the law. Models need to be of legal age. You should always get a signed model release and keep it on file. Laws pertaining to adult web sites vary (see Resources section below) and should be studied before you go live with your site.
5Design a home page that shows nothing revealing. Make sure you clearly identify the website as an adult website and state that no one under the legal age to view such material should enter.
6Make your adult web site membership based. You can provide a small tour giving samples of the kind of material your subscribers will have access to. Be specific and truthful about your content. On each sample page, make a link to a page where your visitors can sign up for a monthly membership. The price you charge for the monthly membership is up to you. Keep it reasonable enough to entice members to stick around.
7Promote your web site and optimize it for web search engines. Use good keywords. Most web design programs make it easy for you to insert keywords that will make your web site more prominent in a search engine query. Advertise your site on other websites. Work out deals with other web sites to exchange banners. The more traffic you can generate and keep, the more successful your adult website will be.