How to Apply Online To Monster Job Postings

Monster is one of the best resources for job seekers. On this one Web site, you can browse countless postings for local, national and international jobs in nearly every single employment category. You can even apply to jobs online directly from the Monster Web site in just a few steps.


Search Monster Jobs


    Go to the Monster home page (see Resources below) and click on the link to "Find Jobs."


    Specify the type of jobs you are looking for online with keywords. Here, you can list things like "writer," "engineer" or "computers" to help target your search.


    Enter your city and state or your zip code to apply for jobs in your local area. Specify the radius around your city in miles using the drop-down menu provided.


    Click on the box next to job categories that interest you to further narrow your search criteria.


    Hit the "Find Jobs!" button to see a list of available jobs.

Submit Your Application


    Select a job that you would like to apply for from the list resulting from your search.


    Locate and click on the "Apply Now" button in the job listing. Note that if an employer does not accept electronic submissions, you will need to mail a hard copy of your resume and cover letter to the address provided.


    Choose which resume to send from the list provided and select to add a cover letter if you wish.


    Choose whether or not to include information about your race and gender using the available options. If you choose not to divulge this information, select "Decline to Identify" and then click "Apply."

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