When you buy a used Nintendo DS on eBay, the secret is to pay careful attention to details. Make sure you follow these steps to make the right investment and find a used system that performs well.
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Visit eBay and bookmark the URL.
2Click on "Advanced Search" to the right of the "Search" button. In the space "Enter keyword or item number," type, "used Nintendo DS console." Under "Categories," scroll down and select "Video Games."
3Make sure there is a check mark in the box next to "Search Title and Description." Also select the option marked "All of these words."
4In the box under "Exclude all these words," type in: Lite, Wii, Playstation and XBox. Scroll to the end of the page and under "Sort by," click "Price: highest first." Now click the "Search" button.
5Read through your results, which should contain mostly Nintendo DS consoles both with and without games. Click on several to compare price and features. The description will include whether it's a used item. (Most are since it is the older version of the Nintendo DS.)
6Make your purchase. Once you select your item, you can choose "Buy It Now" to purchase the item at the current selling price. (For some products, that is the only option.) Or you you can try bidding which usually offers a better deal. To bid on a product, you'll need to be a registered user of eBay.
7You'll need to place your bid at or above the minimum bid price, listed to the right of the bid text box. Once you type in your bid, click "Place Bid." The next screen will list the current bid, your bid and the cost of shipping and handling, should you win the auction. Here's where you confirm the bid you've typed in.