How to Search for Jobs on Craigslist

Craigslist is a non-commercial site featuring several online communities, classifieds, discussion forums, employment tools and other helpful features. Craigslist is characterized by lack of graphics and advertisements, which means more space is dedicated to useful links. Many of these links are job postings. Here's how you can search for jobs on Craigslist.



    Go to the Craigslist Web site.


    Use the "Search Craigslist" box when seeking employment. Simply enter the desired keywords in the box and select gigs or jobs from the associated drop-down list. Click the button to view matching job listings. When searching for jobs as opposed to gigs, the results page shows checkboxes related to job types--telecommute, contract, internship, part-time or non-profit. Use these checkboxes to narrow down the search.


    Checking the only "Search Titles" checkbox shows those posts that contain specified keywords only in the job title. Select has image checkbox to view job postings with a supporting graphic.


    To view job details, click the posted opportunity.


    Job listings on Craigslist are specific to the San Francisco Bay area by default. To view jobs in another city or state, select the preferred city or state from the U.S. cities or U.S. states lists before using the search Craigslist box. Similarly, you can search for jobs in Canada or other countries.


    Craigslist also supports category based job search, wherein you select the desired category from the jobs list to view all relevant postings.


    Alternatively, use the jobs discussion forum to network with like-minded people.

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