Coupons are a simple and effective way to advertise a service or product. Discounts and free offers can encourage customers to make a purchase that they might not have considered otherwise or give them an incentive to try something new. A personalized coupon can also be a creative gift idea; give one to a friend or loved one to be redeemed for a special dinner, a night out, massage, or a spa day.
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Go to Select "Office" from the menu. Scroll to the bottom. Click "Office Templates".
2Type "coupon" in the search function. It is located in the top-left corner of the page.
3Select a design from the list of personal, business, and occasion-themed coupons and gift certificates. Click on it to go to the download page. Download the coupon and open it in Microsoft Word.
4Edit the coupon. Select an area to change and click on it. A text box will appear around the words and images.
5Edit and add information, such as the name of the company, product or service, the offer or discount, exceptions, expiration date, and location and/or website.
6Edit or add images. Click on "Insert" from the menu. Scroll down to "Picture". Select "Clip Art". A right-side column with a search function will appear.
7Conduct a search. Use a term or keyword that describes your business or offer, such as computer, bakery, discount, sale, or free.
8Click an image to select it. It should appear on your page or coupon. Hold down the left mouse button on the image. Move it to change its position on the coupon.
9Resize the clip art image. Hover your cursor over the bottom right corner until a double-sided arrow appears. Hold down the left mouse button. Move in towards the center of the image to make it smaller or move out to expand it.
10Print your coupon. Cut it out before distributing.