The growth and development of Internet technology makes it possible to view breaking news as it happens. Major news agencies such as CNN Headline News provide options for readers to receive real time news to your computer or cell phone in both message and streaming-video format. CNN Headline News also provides options for you to customize content and receive real time news in the categories you select.
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Log in or set up CNN user account. From the CNN website home page, select either "Sign Up" or "Login" from the menu at the top right of the screen. To sign up, you will need to choose a screen name, enter your email address, and create a password. Reply to the confirmation email CNN sends you to activate your account and access your profile page.
2Access "My Alerts" from your profile page. Your profile page is the default login page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the "My Alerts" section. Select "Breaking News Alerts" and then click the "Manage" button.
3Select "Turn On" to receive real time CNN Headline News alerts via email. If you want to receive real-time news alerts via text message, text "Alerts to 26688" from your cell phone.
4View live streaming video in real time by clicking "Programming Alerts" and then "Turn On" to receive an alert as CNN Headline news is breaking.
5Customize real time alerts by selecting "Personalized Email Alerts." Click "Manage" to create a new alert. Give the alert a name and provide keyword parameters. Select the "Immediate" radio button to receive real-time personalized alerts.