When searching online and visiting different sites, there is likely a lot of content you would rather not see, whether it is inappropriate or dangerous to the safety of your computer. Search engines, like Yahoo!, Google or Bing, all have security settings you can use to specifically block the unwanted search results easily. Blocking sites you don't want to load, are easily restricted through the Windows controls. The instructions here mention using Vista, but you can use the steps for any operating system.
Block Searches
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Go to Google's homepage and sign into your account by clicking on the sign-in link on the top right of the page.
2Select the Settings links on the top right side of the page and choose the Search Settings option in the drop down menu.
3Scroll down the page until you see the Safe Search options.
4Choose the level of strictness you want by clicking on that option. You can select moderate safety or strict safety to block the offensive results from your search.
5Click the Save Preferences button on the bottom of the page to retain the changes you made.
Block Websites
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Go to the Start menu on your toolbar and open up the Control Panel folder and click on Set Up Parental Controls under User Accounts.
7Enter your administrative user information and password if you are asked for it.
8Select the "On" option under Parental Controls and open the Web Filter.
9Open the Block option and select the option to edit the list of blocked and allowed content.
10Enter each of the URLs of the specific sites you want to block. Select block after entering each URL and click save when you are finished.