How to Test Your Knowledge Online

How to Test Your Knowledge Online

Do you really know as much about Civil War history as you think you do? How about quantum physics? Mountaineering? Gaelic grammar? Flirting? In topics ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, the Internet has given us a way not only to acquire knowledge but also to test our grasp of it online. Whether you're a hobbyist, a student preparing for an exam or someone who just enjoys an intellectual challenge, there's a vast cyber-university of educational entertainment at your fingertips, accessible by simple keyword searches.


Continuing Education With No Chance of Failure


    Type your topic of interest into a search line. The general topic could be almost anything, but let's use astronomy as an example. To access available online tests, simply type "test your astronomy knowledge" (without the quotes) into the search engine of your choice and you'll come up with hundreds of thousands of hits.


    Refine your search. If you find the general tests too broad and want to narrow your search to a specific area of study or celestial body, leave "test your astronomy knowledge" (without quotes) as is but add the new keyword (for example, "moon" without the quotes) after, then hit Enter. If your area of interest contains more than one word (for example, "extraterrestrial life"), enclose the words in quotes before hitting Enter.


    Limit your search. If you are a very serious student and want to test your knowledge at a more advanced level, try adding "site:edu" (without the quotes) to your existing search line, hit Enter, and hits will be narrowed to include departments of astronomy in schools, colleges and universities. To find organizations specializing in your area of interest, add "site:org" (without the quotes) to the search line and hit Enter.


    Meet and communicate with people online who share your interests. Ideally, continuing education is a process involving interaction with other like-minded people. With online learning, the Internet becomes a substitute for a classroom or lecture hall, but nobody has to sit there all alone. To find your own worldwide cyber-community of fellow students and teachers, type "astronomy blogs chatrooms forums" (without quotes) into your search line and start contributing to the discussion.

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