How to Use Creative Central

Creative Central is a job search site for professionals in creative fields such as writing, marketing, graphic design and advertising. This site allows you to upload a resume so that employers can find you, matching your skill set with their needs. You can also search for new jobs through the sites job listings. As with any job search website, youll need to be diligent in checking for new jobs and keep on top of applications. Though prospects can be sparse at times, account creation is free and provides another source for finding potential positions.



    Click create your new resume today from the main page to create a new account.


    Enter your name, address, phone number and password and click new.


    Log in to your account with the email address and password you set in the previous step.


    Click start here beneath the resume field to build your resume. Fill out your desired job type, work location and salary. Enter an objective for this job search that clearly defines the type of work youre looking for.


    Fill out the availability section indicating your work status, career level and the hours youre available to work.


    Enter a descriptive title for your resume in the resume field. You may upload multiple resumes, so make sure the title helps you identify one resume from the other.


    Submit an overview of up to 500 words. Think of this as a generic cover letter. Highlight your most relevant skills and experience in a clear, concise fashion.


    Paste a copy of your resume in the field provided. Omit your contact information if you prefer to keep it confidential. You can also provide a link to an online resume.


    Check the privacy settings at the top and bottom of the page to set whether your resume will be active or hidden and whether potential employers can view your contact information. Proofread each section carefully, then click New Resume to complete the resume creation process.


    Click Job Search on the right-hand side of the page and enter your location and a keyword that describes the type of job youre looking for. If matching jobs are available in your area, youll be able to apply for them with the resume youve just put together.

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