How to Pick a Lucrative Niche Blogging Topic

A niche blog focuses on one very specific topic and it's this type of blog that aligns well with blog monetization methods such as contextual advertising and affiliate marketing. Not all blog topics are going to bring in strong earnings, for various reasons. So how do you pick a niche blog topic that's apt to be lucrative?



    Create a list of interests, topics that you would be willing to write about on a regular basis.


    You will need a topic that has potential for 100 or more blog entries about various elements or aspects of that topic. Look at the list that you created in Step 1 and cross off any topics that would not allow for 100 or more blog entries.


    Consider affiliate marketing potential. Bloggers can earn significant revenue from affiliate marketing, but the niche blog topic must align well with affiliate marketing. Will a particular topic lend itself to recommendations for products or book sales? If not, then that topic should be crossed off the list, as affiliate marketing is a primary source of revenue for niche bloggers.


    Eliminate any niche blogging topics associated with "stop words" or "poison words" that might interfere with contextual marketing programs like Google AdWords. Keywords related to sex, gambling and crimes are frequently labeled as "stop words" or "poison words," which result in all Google AdWords advertisements getting pulled from that particular web page.


    Determine search volume and cost per click (CPC) for keywords associated with the topics that remain on the list. Using the Google Keyword Tool or a similar website, enter keyword terms associated with a particular niche blogging topic. You want a topic with at least five primary keywords that have a search volume of more than 20,000 per month. Also be sure to select "Show Avg. Estimated CPC" from the drop-down menu to view CPC. The CPC determines how much you can earn per ad click. The higher the CPC, the better the earning potential for a particular niche blogging topic.


    Select a niche blogging topic from those remaining on the list and start blogging.

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